Jeppe Bach Nikolajsen
- Systematic Theology and Missiology
- Office: 210
- Phone number: 22590642
Responsible for the following subjects:
- Church in the World: Denominations and Ecumenism
Subject code: TEOL2640
Selected publications
- Nikolajsen, J. B. (2020). Christian ethics, natural law, and Lutheran tradition, Studia Theologica - Nordic Journal of Theology, s. 1 - 18. Studia Theologica - Nordic Journal of Theology, ISSN: 0039-338X
- Nikolajsen, J. B. (2020). Christian Ethics, Public Debate, and Pluralistic Society, International Journal of Public Theology, s. 5 - 23. International Journal of Public Theology, ISSN: 1872-5171
- Nikolajsen, J. B. (2020). Christian ethics, Lutheran tradition, and pluralistic society, Neue Zeitschrift Für Systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie, s. 295 - 310. Neue Zeitschrift Für Systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie, ISSN: 0028-3517
- Nikolajsen, J. B. (2015). The Distinctive Identity of the Church: A Constructive Study of the Post-Christendom Theologies of Lesslie Newbigin and John Howard Yoder, Pickwick Publications, ISBN: 978-1-4982-0207-7
- Bennett, K. D. & Nikolajsen, J. B. (2014). The Practice of Pluralism: Jeffrey Stout and Abraham Kuyper on Religion and Civil Solidarity, International Journal of Public Theology, s. 67 - 84. International Journal of Public Theology, ISSN: 1872-5171
- Nikolajsen, J. B. (2014). The formative power of liturgy. The Church as a liturgical community in a post-Christendom society, European Journal of Theology, s. 161 - 168. European Journal of Theology, ISSN: 0960-2720
- Nikolajsen, J. B. (2013). Beyond Sectarianism: The Missional Church in a Post-Christendom Society, Missiology - An International Review, s. 462 - 475. Missiology - An International Review, ISSN: 0091-8296
- Nikolajsen, J. B. (2013). Missional Church: A Historical and Theological Analysis of an Ecclesiological Tradition, International Review of Mission, s. 249 - 261. International Review of Mission, ISSN: 0020-8582
- Nikolajsen, J. B. (2012). Beyond Christendom: Lesslie Newbigin as a Post-Christendom Theologian, Exchange. Journal of Contemporary Christianities in Context, s. 364 - 380. Exchange. Journal of Contemporary Christianities in Context, ISSN: 0166-2740
- Nikolajsen, J. B. (2012). Missional Folk Church? A Discussion of Hans Raun Iversen’s Understanding of the Danish Folk Church as a Missional Church, Svensk Missionstidsskrift, s. 23 - 36. Svensk Missionstidsskrift, ISSN: 0346-217X
Latest academic publications
- Nikolajsen, J. B. (2023). Folkekirkens indre anliggender : en reformationsteologisk kritik af folkekirkens styringsform foranlediget af en højesteretsdom, Præstens tjenstlige forpligtelser - Kirkeretsantologi 2023 – Kirkerettens retskilder - fra reformationen til nu ,, s. 267 - 279. Eksistensen Akademisk, ISBN: 9788741009988
- Nikolajsen, J. B. (2022). Gives der en luthersk kristen etik? Et alternativ til Knud Ejler Løgstrups position, Teologisk Tidsskrift, s. 134 - 145. Teologisk Tidsskrift, ISSN: 1893-0263
- Nikolajsen, J. B. (2022). Gives der en kristen etik? En kritik af Knud Ejler Løgstrups position, Teologisk Tidsskrift, s. 120 - 133. Teologisk Tidsskrift, ISSN: 1893-0263
- Nikolajsen, J. B. (2022). Folkekirkens indre anliggender : en historisk afklaring og en retsteologisk drøftelse, Dansk Tidsskrift for Teologi og Kirke, s. 197 - 212. Dansk Tidsskrift for Teologi og Kirke, ISSN: 1903-6523
- Nikolajsen, J. B. (2021). Church, State, and Pluralistic Society: Reforming Lutheran Teaching on the Two Regiments, International Journal of Public Theology, s. 385 - 400. International Journal of Public Theology, ISSN: 1872-5171
- Nikolajsen, J. B. (2020). Christian ethics, natural law, and Lutheran tradition, Studia Theologica - Nordic Journal of Theology, s. 1 - 18. Studia Theologica - Nordic Journal of Theology, ISSN: 0039-338X
- Nikolajsen, J. B. (2020). Christian Ethics, Public Debate, and Pluralistic Society, International Journal of Public Theology, s. 5 - 23. International Journal of Public Theology, ISSN: 1872-5171
- Nikolajsen, J. B. (2020). Christian ethics, Lutheran tradition, and pluralistic society, Neue Zeitschrift Für Systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie, s. 295 - 310. Neue Zeitschrift Für Systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie, ISSN: 0028-3517
- Nikolajsen, J. B. (2019). Folkekirke, mission og pluralistisk samfund, Norsk tidsskrift for misjonsvitenskap, s. 23 - 33. Norsk tidsskrift for misjonsvitenskap, ISSN: 1504-6605
- Nikolajsen, J. B. (2018). The formative power of scripture. The Church as a hermeneutical community, European Journal of Theology, s. 130 - 138. European Journal of Theology, ISSN: 0960-2720
- Nikolajsen, J. B. (2017). Kirke øvrighed og pluralistisk samfund, Kirke og øvrighed i et pluralistisk samfund ,, s. 117 - 136. Forlaget Kolon, ISBN: 9788787737814
- Nikolajsen, J. B. (2017). Kirke og øvrighed i et pluralistisk samfund , Forlaget Kolon, ISBN: 9788787737814
- Nikolajsen, J. B. (2016). Kristen kirke i et pluralistisk samfund: En ny kurs for nordisk folkekirkelig ekklesiologi, Dansk teologisk tidsskrift, s. 217 - 232. Dansk teologisk tidsskrift, ISSN: 0105-3191
- Nikolajsen, J. B. (2016). Den kristne kirke som fortolkningstradition i et pluralistisk samfund, Dansk Tidsskrift for Teologi og Kirke, s. 197 - 211. Dansk Tidsskrift for Teologi og Kirke, ISSN: 1903-6523
- Nikolajsen, J. B. (2016). Kristen etik i et pluralistisk samfund : en ny kurs for dansk teologisk etik, Dansk teologisk tidsskrift, s. 105 - 121. Dansk teologisk tidsskrift, ISSN: 0105-3191
- Nikolajsen, J. B. (2015). Kirkens konstantinske fangenskab : aktuel problemstilling og kritisk begrebsutvikling, National kristendom til debat,, s. 9 - 19. Forlaget Kolon, ISBN: 978-87-87737-72-2
- Nikolajsen, J. B. (2015). Kirkens mulighed for at genvinde sig selv : John Howard Yoders antikonstantinske teologi, National kristendom til debat,, s. 152 - 179. Forlaget Kolon, ISBN: 978-87-87737-72-2
- Nikolajsen, J. B. (2015). National kristendom til debat, Forlaget Kolon, ISBN: 978-87-87737-72-2
- Nikolajsen, J. B. (2015). Missional kirke i et pluralistisk samfund, Forlaget Kolon, ISBN: 978-87-87737-73-9
- Nikolajsen, J. B. (2015). The Distinctive Identity of the Church: A Constructive Study of the Post-Christendom Theologies of Lesslie Newbigin and John Howard Yoder, Pickwick Publications, ISBN: 978-1-4982-0207-7
- Nikolajsen, J. B. (2015). Menighedens liv med Bibelen: Menigheden som hermeneutisk fællesskab ifølge John Howard Yoder, Dansk Tidsskrift for Teologi og Kirke, s. 5 - 18. Dansk Tidsskrift for Teologi og Kirke, ISSN: 1903-6523
- Nikolajsen, J. B. (2015). Missional folkekirke? : en drøftelse af Hans Raun Iversens forståelse af den danske folkekirke som en missional kirke, Missional kirke i et pluralistisk samfund,, s. 109 - 122. Forlaget Kolon, ISBN: 978-87-87737-73-9
- Bennett, K. D. & Nikolajsen, J. B. (2014). The Practice of Pluralism: Jeffrey Stout and Abraham Kuyper on Religion and Civil Solidarity, International Journal of Public Theology, s. 67 - 84. International Journal of Public Theology, ISSN: 1872-5171
- Nikolajsen, J. B. (2014). The formative power of liturgy. The Church as a liturgical community in a post-Christendom society, European Journal of Theology, s. 161 - 168. European Journal of Theology, ISSN: 0960-2720
- Nikolajsen, J. B. (2013). Beyond Sectarianism: The Missional Church in a Post-Christendom Society, Missiology - An International Review, s. 462 - 475. Missiology - An International Review, ISSN: 0091-8296
- Nikolajsen, J. B. (2013). Missional Church: A Historical and Theological Analysis of an Ecclesiological Tradition, International Review of Mission, s. 249 - 261. International Review of Mission, ISSN: 0020-8582
- Nikolajsen, J. B. (2012). Missional kirke - en introduktion, Forlaget Kolon, ISBN: 978-87-87737-69-2
- Nikolajsen, J. B. (2012). Beyond Christendom: Lesslie Newbigin as a Post-Christendom Theologian, Exchange. Journal of Contemporary Christianities in Context, s. 364 - 380. Exchange. Journal of Contemporary Christianities in Context, ISSN: 0166-2740
- Nikolajsen, J. B. (2012). Missional Folk Church? A Discussion of Hans Raun Iversen’s Understanding of the Danish Folk Church as a Missional Church, Svensk Missionstidsskrift, s. 23 - 36. Svensk Missionstidsskrift, ISSN: 0346-217X
- Nikolajsen, J. B. (2012). Den missionale kirke i et pluralistisk samfund, Missional kirke - en introduktion,, s. 127 - 144. Forlaget Kolon, ISBN: 978-87-87737-69-2
Research projects
Education and practice
2007 - 2010
PhD in theology, MF Norwegian School of Theology, Religion and Society, Oslo
2004 - 2007
Master of Theology, Aarhus University, Denmark
Optional exams in Phenomenology of Religion, History of Religion, Sociology of Religion and Theosophy, Hinduism and Islam, Aarhus University, Denmark
2000 - 2004
Bachelor of Theology, Aarhus University, Denmark
Voluntary position
2021 - d.d.
Member of the executive committee of Resonans - a Nordic network for theology, philosophy and politics
2021 - d.d.
Member of the advisory board for Teologisk Tidsskrift
2019 - 2020
Director of the Egede Institute
2019 - d.d.
Chief Editor of Norwegian Journal of Missiology
2018 - 2019
Member of committee on the mission of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Denmark arranged by the Council on International Relation
2018 - 2019
Dean of Studies at Lutheran School of Theology in Aarhus, Denmark
2018 - d.d.
Member of Danish Forum for Freedom of Religion our Belief, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark
2016 - 2020
Member of the executive committee of Fellowship of European Evangelical Theologians
2016 - 2020
Member of the editorial board of European Journal of Theology
2016 - d.d.
Medlem af European's Evangelical Alliance's Theological Commission
2015 - 2019
Dean of Research at Lutheran School of Theology in Aarhus, Denmark
2013 - 2019
Member of the advisory board for Norwegian Journal of Missiology
2013 - 2018
Member of Danish Network for Philosophy, Theology and Politics
2012 - 2018
Member of the editorial board of and editor at Kolon Press
2011 - 2013
Chair of the board for Nordic Network for Theological Education
2011 - d.d.
Peer reviewer for Modern Theology, International Journal of Public Theology, Mission Studies, Norwegian Journal of Missiology, Theofilos: Nordic Journal for Theology and Culture, and Dansk Tidsskrift for Teologi og Kirke
2008 - 2018
Chief Editor of Dansk Tidsskrift for Teologi og Kirke
2008 - d.d.
Member of the Danish Mission Council's Study Committee