John Wayne Kaufman
Associate Professor
- Early Christian Studies and the History of Theology
head of section KH
- Office: 341
- Phone number: 22590626
Professional competence areas:
- Christian denominations
- Early Christianity
- Historical method
- History as a theological discipline
- History of theology
Responsible for the following subjects:
- Christianity in History and Today
Subject code: KRLE1041 - History and Worldviews: The History of Christianity and Modern Diversity of Worldviews
Subject code: RL1016 - Christianity in Culture
Subject code: RL5050 - Introduction to the History of Christianity
Subject code: TEOL1410 - History of Theology
Subject code: TEOL2310 - Cultural History of Christianity
Subject code: RL5045
My primary research area is early Christianity, with a concentration on the second and third centuries. My PhD dissertation was on the understanding of salvation as deification in the theology of Irenaeus of Lyons, and my recent research has continued to be focused on Irenaeus. My teaching responsibilities have for the most part been concentrated in the following areas: early Christianity in the Roman Empire; history of theology; the study of Christian denominations, both historical and contemporary; historical method; and the role of historical studies within the framework of the study of theology.
Selected publications
- Kaufman, J. W. (2023). Helse eller frelse? Hvordan responderte de kristne i antikken på de store epidemiene? , Teologisk Tidsskrift, s. 236 - 255. Teologisk Tidsskrift, ISSN: 1893-0263
- Kaufman, J. W. (2023). What does it Mean to be Human? The Delphic Maxim in Irenaeus, Know Yourself: Interpretations and Echoes of the Delphic Maxim in Ancient Judaism, Christianity, and Philosophy,, s. 337 - 364. Walter de Gruyter (De Gruyter), ISBN: 9783111083544
- Grødum, K. & Hägg, H. S. F. & Kaufman, J. W. & Tollefsen, T. (2021). Love - Ancient Perspectives, Cappelen Damm Akademisk, ISBN: 978-82-02-72690-4
- Kaufman, J. W. (2021). Anders Nygren’s Agape and Eros, Irenaeus, and the Essence of Christianity, Love - Ancient Perspectives,, s. 31 - 47. Cappelen Damm Akademisk, ISBN: 978-82-02-72690-4
- Kaufman, J. W. (2017). The Kingdom of the Son in the Theology of Irenaeus, Studia Patristica Vol. XCIII: Papers Presented at the Seventeenth International Conference on Patristic Studies Held in Oxford 2015: The First Two Centuries – Apocrypha and Gnostica,, s. 237 - 242. Peeters Publishers, ISBN: 978-90-429-3589-1
- Kaufman, J. W. (2016). Historical relativism and the essence of Christianity, Studia Theologica - Nordic Journal of Theology, s. 4 - 21. Studia Theologica - Nordic Journal of Theology, ISSN: 0039-338X
- Kaufman, J. W. (2016). Sønnens rike : eskatologi hos Ireneus, Mellan tid och evighet: Eskatologiska perspektiv i den tidiga kyrkan. Föreläsningar hållna vid Nordiska patristikermötet i Lund 18–20 augusti 2014, s. 49 - 69.
- Kaufman, J. W. (2015). Ireneus - Den kristne grunnfortellingen konsolideres, Gud er alltid større: Kirkefedrenes teologiske språk,, s. 77 - 92. Novus Forlag, ISBN: 978-82-7099-831-9
- Kaufman, J. W. (2011). Diverging Trajectories or Emerging Mainstream? Unity and Diversity in Second Century Christianity, Among Jews, Gentiles and Christians in Antiquity and the Middle Ages : studies in honour of professor Oskar Skarsaune on his 65th birthday,, s. 113 - 128. Tapir Akademisk Forlag, ISBN: 978-82-519-2789-5
- Kaufman, J. W. (2009). Becoming divine, becoming human : deification themes in Irenaeus of Lyons
Latest academic publications
- Kaufman, J. W. (2023). Helse eller frelse? Hvordan responderte de kristne i antikken på de store epidemiene? , Teologisk Tidsskrift, s. 236 - 255. Teologisk Tidsskrift, ISSN: 1893-0263
- Kaufman, J. W. (2023). What does it Mean to be Human? The Delphic Maxim in Irenaeus, Know Yourself: Interpretations and Echoes of the Delphic Maxim in Ancient Judaism, Christianity, and Philosophy,, s. 337 - 364. Walter de Gruyter (De Gruyter), ISBN: 9783111083544
- Grødum, K. & Hägg, H. S. F. & Kaufman, J. W. & Tollefsen, T. (2021). Love - Ancient Perspectives, Cappelen Damm Akademisk, ISBN: 978-82-02-72690-4
- Kaufman, J. W. (2021). Anders Nygren’s Agape and Eros, Irenaeus, and the Essence of Christianity, Love - Ancient Perspectives,, s. 31 - 47. Cappelen Damm Akademisk, ISBN: 978-82-02-72690-4
- Kaufman, J. W. (2017). The Kingdom of the Son in the Theology of Irenaeus, Studia Patristica Vol. XCIII: Papers Presented at the Seventeenth International Conference on Patristic Studies Held in Oxford 2015: The First Two Centuries – Apocrypha and Gnostica,, s. 237 - 242. Peeters Publishers, ISBN: 978-90-429-3589-1
- Kaufman, J. W. (2016). Historical relativism and the essence of Christianity, Studia Theologica - Nordic Journal of Theology, s. 4 - 21. Studia Theologica - Nordic Journal of Theology, ISSN: 0039-338X
- Kaufman, J. W. (2015). Ireneus - Den kristne grunnfortellingen konsolideres, Gud er alltid større: Kirkefedrenes teologiske språk,, s. 77 - 92. Novus Forlag, ISBN: 978-82-7099-831-9
- Hvalvik, R. & Kaufman, J. & Skarsaune, O. (2011). Among Jews, Gentiles and Christians in Antiquity and the Middle Ages : studies in honour of professor Oskar Skarsaune on his 65th birthday, Tapir Akademisk Forlag, ISBN: 978-82-519-2789-5
- Kaufman, J. W. (2011). Diverging Trajectories or Emerging Mainstream? Unity and Diversity in Second Century Christianity, Among Jews, Gentiles and Christians in Antiquity and the Middle Ages : studies in honour of professor Oskar Skarsaune on his 65th birthday,, s. 113 - 128. Tapir Akademisk Forlag, ISBN: 978-82-519-2789-5
Education and practice
2012 - d.d.
Førsteamanuensis, MF / Associate professor, MF
2009 - 2012
Rådgiver, Presteforeningen
PhD i teologihistorie, MF
2004 - 2008
Stipendiat ved MF
Timelærer i kirkehistorie, MF
2001 - 2003
Cand.theol., MF
1999 - 2001
Cand.philol. UiO - Idéhistorie hovedfag
1995 - 1998
Cand.mag. UiO - Tysk, Kristendom, Idéhistorie
Voluntary position
2017 - 2020
Avdelingsleder, Avdeling for teologi og kirkelig utdanning, MF / Department head, Department of theology and ministry, MF
2014 - 2018
Styremedlem, MF / Board member, MF
2013 - 2017
Avdelingsleder, Avdeling for teologi og historie, MF / Department head, Department of theology and History, MF