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Latest academic publications
Larsson, G. & Frydenlund, I. & Brekke, T. (2024). A Burning Affair : Introducing a Special Issue on the Burning of the Qur’an , Temenos , s. 5 - 26. Temenos , ISSN: 0497-1817
Brekke, T. (2024). Theological Opportunity Structures and Christian Right Resistance Against the Liberalization of Family Laws in Norway , American Behavioral Scientist , American Behavioral Scientist , ISSN: 0002-7642
Ganesh, B. & Frydenlund, I. & Brekke, T. (2023). Flows and modalities of global Islamophobia , Ethnic and Racial Studies , s. 895 - 906. Ethnic and Racial Studies , ISSN: 0141-9870
Kozaric, E. & Brekke, T. (2023). The case of WikiIslam: scientification of Islamophobia or legitimate critique of Islam? , Ethnic and Racial Studies , s. 1 - 19. Ethnic and Racial Studies , ISSN: 0141-9870
Brekke, T. & Larsen, M. & Kozaric, E. (2022). Islam and the Spirit of Capitalism: Muslim Entrepreneurs in the Nordic Countries , Nordic Journal of Religion and Society , s. 102 - 116. Nordic Journal of Religion and Society , ISSN: 0809-7291
Brekke, T. & Hadi, F. & Kozaric, E. (2022). The Role of Imams in Family Counselling with Muslim Families in Norway , Journal of Muslims in Europe , Journal of Muslims in Europe , ISSN: 2211-792X
Martikainen, T. & Brekke, T. (2022). The Rejection of Interest-Based Loans among Muslim Entrepreneurs and Professionals in Finland , Journal of Muslims in Europe , s. 1 - 17. Journal of Muslims in Europe , ISSN: 2211-792X
Brekke, T. (2021). Islamophobia and Antisemitism are Different in their Potential for Globalization , Journal of Religion and Violence , s. 80 - 100. Journal of Religion and Violence , ISSN: 2159-6808
Brekke, T. (2020). Europas svik mot Bosnia-Hercegovina , Internasjonal Politikk , s. 224 - 232. Internasjonal Politikk , ISSN: 0020-577X
Brekke, T. & Larsen, M. C. (2020). Allah, villa, volvo: Muslim professionals in the nordic countries and their financial attitudes and practices , Open Library of Humanities , s. 1 - 34. Open Library of Humanities , ISSN: 2056-6700
Brekke, T. (2019). Christianity Betrayed: Conspiracy Theory about a Leftist-Muslim Plot against Christianity in Norway , Journal of Religion & Society (JRS) , Journal of Religion & Society (JRS) , ISSN: 1522-5658
Brekke, T. (2019). The Oxford History of Hinduism: Modern Hinduism , Oxford University Press , ISBN: 978-0-19-879083-9
Brekke, T. & Kühle, L. & Larsson, G. & Martikainen, T. (2019). Mosques, Muslims, Methods: the Role of Mosques in Research about Muslims in Europe , Journal of Muslims in Europe , s. 216 - 233. Journal of Muslims in Europe , ISSN: 2211-792X
Brekke, T. (2018). Halal Money: Financial inclusion and demand for Islamic banking in Norway , Research & Politics , s. 1 - 7. Research & Politics , ISSN: 2053-1680
Brekke, T. (2017). Introduction: Military Chaplaincy in Comparative Perspective , Military Chaplaincy in an Era of Religious Pluralism:
Military–Religious Nexus in Asia, Europe, and USA , , Oxford University Press , ISBN: 9780199470747
Brekke, T. (2017). Religious Teachers in the Indian Army , Military Chaplaincy in an Era of Religious Pluralism:
Military–Religious Nexus in Asia, Europe, and USA , , Oxford University Press , ISBN: 9780199470747
Tikhonov, V. & Brekke, T. (2017). Military Chaplaincy in an Era of Religious Pluralism:
Military–Religious Nexus in Asia, Europe, and USA , Oxford University Press , ISBN: 9780199470747
Brekke, T. (2016). Faithonomics: Religion and the Free Market , Oxford University Press , ISBN: 978-0190627690
Brekke, T. (2015). Forfølgelse og rent-seeking: konsekvenser av myndighetenes innblanding i det religiøse liv , Ingen adgang til riket. Religionsfrihetens grenser og Grunnlovens § 2 1814-2014 , , s. 115 - 131. St. Olav forlag , ISBN: 9788270243068
Brekke, T. (2015). Bridging the gap between ancient and modern in the study of religion and violence in India , Journal of Religion and Violence , s. 327 - 334. Journal of Religion and Violence , ISSN: 2159-6808
Brekke, T. (2015). The Indian tradition , The Ashgate Research Companion to Military Ethics , , s. 415 - 427. Ashgate , ISBN: 978-1-4724-1628-5
Brekke, T. (2015). Indian Shia Muslims and ideas of home around Partition in the fiction of Rahi Masoom Reza , Novel and Nation in the Muslim World , , s. 201 - 215. Palgrave Macmillan , ISBN: 978-1-137-47757-6
Brekke, T. (2014). Secularism and the spirit of capitalism , Secularism, Politics and Religion: Contexts and Concepts in India and Europe , , Routledge , ISBN: 9781138796003
Tikhonov, V. & Brekke, T. (2012). Buddhism and Violence. Militarism and Buddhism in Modern Asia , Routledge , ISBN: 978-0-415-53696-7
Brekke, T. (2012). Fundamentalism. Prophecy and Protest in an Age of Globalization , Cambridge University Press , ISBN: 978-0-521-76625-8
Brekke, T. (2012). Conclusion , Buddhism and Violence. Militarism and Buddhism in Modern Asia , , s. 247 - 255. Routledge , ISBN: 978-0-415-53696-7
Brekke, T. (2012). Breaking the Thigh and Breaking the Warrior Code , Warfare, Religion and Society in Indian History , , s. 43 - 63. Manohar Publishers & Distributors , ISBN: 978-81-7304-958-3
Brekke, T. (2011). The Dharam Yudh or Just War in Sikhism , Warfare and Politics in South Asia from Ancient to Modern Times , , s. 387 - 415. Manohar Publishers & Distributors , ISBN: 9788173049132
Singh, N. & Pripp, A. H. & Brekke, T. & Stray-Pedersen, B. (2010). Different sex ratios of children born to Indian and Pakistani immigrants in Norway , BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth , BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth , ISSN: 1471-2393
Brekke, T. (2009). Beyond Theological Essentialism and Ethnic Reductionism: A review essay about religion and the peace process in Sri Lanka , International Journal of Buddhist Thought and Culture , s. 125 - 156. International Journal of Buddhist Thought and Culture , ISSN: 1598-7914
Brekke, T. (2009). The concept of religion and the constitutional debates about the rights of women in the constitutional debates of India , Nordic Journal of Religion and Society , s. 71 - 85. Nordic Journal of Religion and Society , ISSN: 0809-7291
Brekke, T. (2009). Religiøse reaksjoner på Darwin , Darwin - Verden ble aldri den samme , , Gyldendal Litteratur , ISBN: 9-788205-390348
Brekke, T. (2007). Bones of contention: Buddhist relics, nationalism and the politics of archaeology , Numen , s. 270 - 304. Numen , ISSN: 0029-5973
Brekke, T. (2007). Finnes det religion i India? , RELIGION - et vestlig fenomen? Om bruk og betydning av religionsbegrepet , , s. 163 - 174. Gyldendal Akademisk , ISBN: 978-82-05-37776-9
Brekke, T. (2007). Hva er fundamentalisme? , Universitetsforlaget , ISBN: 9788215010915
Brekke, T. (2006). Kampen mot de orientalske despoter , Nytt Norsk Tidsskrift (NNT) , s. 243 - 254. Nytt Norsk Tidsskrift (NNT) , ISSN: 0800-336X
Brekke, T. (2006). Mission Impossible?-Baptism and the Politics of Bible Translation in the Early Protestant Mission in Bengal , History of Religions , s. 213 - 233. History of Religions , ISSN: 0018-2710
Brekke, T. (2005). "Sinister nexus": USA, Norge og Krekar-saken , Internasjonal Politikk , s. 279 - 296. Internasjonal Politikk , ISSN: 0020-577X
Brekke, T. (2005). Bringing Religion into International Relations, Jonathan Fox og Shmuel Sandle. London: Palgrave, Macmillan 2004 , Internasjonal Politikk , s. 455 - 460. Internasjonal Politikk , ISSN: 0020-577X
Brekke, T. (2005). The ethics of war and the concept of war in India and Europe , Numen , s. 59 - 86. Numen , ISSN: 0029-5973
Brekke, T. (2005). The Ethics of War in Asian Civilizations , RoutledgeCurzon
Brekke, T. (2005). Preface , The Ethics of War in Asian Civilizations , , RoutledgeCurzon
Brekke, T. (2005). Between Heroism and Prudence - the Ethics of War in Hindu India , The Ethics of War in Asian Civilizations , , RoutledgeCurzon
Brekke, T. (2004). Wielding the Rod of Punishment - War and Violence in the Political Science of Kautilya , Journal of Military Ethics , s. 40 - 52. Journal of Military Ethics , ISSN: 1502-7570
Brekke, T. (2004). Historical perspectives on the development of religious nationalism under U Nu and its implications for freedom of religion in modern Burma , Mennesker og Rettigheter , Mennesker og Rettigheter , ISSN: 0800-0735
Brekke, T. (2004). Religious nationalism in contemporary Norway , The Power of Faiths in Global Politics , , s. 117 - 127. Novus Forlag
Brekke, T. (2003). Anti-rasjonalitet og jødehat hos islamister og nazister , Pacem : militært tidsskrift for etisk og teologisk refleksjon , s. 87 - 98. Pacem : militært tidsskrift for etisk og teologisk refleksjon , ISSN: 1500-2322
Brekke, T. (2003). Conversion in Buddhism? , Religious Conversion in India - Modes, Motivations, and Meanings , , s. 181 - 193. Oxford University Press , ISBN: 0195663292
Brekke, T. (2003). Historical consciousness in Theravada Buddhism and Shvetambara Jainism at the turn of the century and its impact on the attitude to places of rleigious and historical significance , Jainism and Early Buddhism. Essays in Honour of Padmanabh S. Jaini , , s. 407 - 415.
Brekke, T. (2002). Religious Motivation and the Origins of Buddhism , Routledge Mental Health , ISBN: 070071684X
Brekke, T. (2002). Makers of Modern Indian Religions , Oxford University Press
Brekke, T. (2002). Introduction , Religious Motivation and the Origins of Buddhism , , s. 11 - 5. Routledge Mental Health , ISBN: 070071684X
Brekke, T. (2001). Nye holdninger til militærmakt , Norsk Militært Tidsskrift , s. 23 - 27. Norsk Militært Tidsskrift , ISSN: 0029-2028
Brekke, T. (2001). Kjernevåpen, nedrustning og strategisk utvikling i Syd-Asia , Internasjonal Politikk , Internasjonal Politikk , ISSN: 0020-577X
Brekke, T. (2001). Den fjerde slagmark , Norsk Militært Tidsskrift , Norsk Militært Tidsskrift , ISSN: 0029-2028
Brekke, T. (2001). Review of Susmita Arp: Kalapani: Zum Streit über die Zulässigkeit von Seereisen im kolonialzeitlichen Indien , ACTA ORIENTALIA (København) , s. 272 - 277. ACTA ORIENTALIA (København) , ISSN: 0001-6438
Brekke, T. (2001). Innledende essay , Buddhas fortellinger , , s. 11 - 61. ISBN: 82-525-4103-8
Brekke, T. (2000). Syndebukker og kybernetikk; en kritikk av René Girard , DIN - Tidsskrift for religion og kultur , s. 13 - 21. DIN - Tidsskrift for religion og kultur , ISSN: 1501-9934
Brekke, T. (2000). The Camgi Sutra of the Mahasamghika-Lokottaravadins , Manuscripts in the Schøyen Collection , vol. i: Buddhist Manuscripts, vol. i , , s. 53 - 62. Hermes Science Publications
Brekke, T. (1999). Dommedag i buddhismen , Humanist : tidsskrift for livssynsdebatt , s. 136 - 146. Humanist : tidsskrift for livssynsdebatt , ISSN: 0801-6283
Brekke, T. (1999). The role of fear in Indian religions with special reference to Buddhism , Journal of Indian Philosophy , s. 439 - 467. Journal of Indian Philosophy , ISSN: 0022-1791
Brekke, T. (1999). The religious motivation of the early Buddhists , Journal of the American Academy of Religion , s. 849 - 866. Journal of the American Academy of Religion , ISSN: 0002-7189
Brekke, T. (1999). The conceptual foundation of missionary Hinduism , Journal of Religious History , s. 203 - 215. Journal of Religious History , ISSN: 0022-4227
Brekke, T. (1998). Det menneskelige rovdyr. Noen krysskulturelle observasjoner om religion og vold som predatoratferd , Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift , s. 215 - 223. Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift , ISSN: 0802-7285
Brekke, T. (1998). Myten om selvmordsaksjonen , Humanist : tidsskrift for livssynsdebatt , s. 14 - 24. Humanist : tidsskrift for livssynsdebatt , ISSN: 0801-6283
Brekke, T. (1998). The skandhaka of the Vinaya Pitaka and its Historical Value , Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde Südasiens , s. 23 - 40. Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde Südasiens , ISSN: 0084-0084
Brekke, T. (1998). Note on a possible reference to Ikaros in the Vinaya of the Mulasarvastivadins , Journal of Indo-European Studies , s. 1 - 12. Journal of Indo-European Studies , ISSN: 0092-2323
Brekke, T. (1998). Contradiction and the merit of giving in Indian religions , Numen , s. 287 - 320. Numen , ISSN: 0029-5973
Brekke, T. (1997). The early samgha and the laity , Journal of Buddhist ethics , s. 7 - 33. Journal of Buddhist ethics , ISSN: 1076-9005
Research projects