There are various sources of funding for exchange stays.
Lånekassen has good support schemes for financing exchanges.
- In addition to basic support, you can get funding for travel support, school fees and language courses, among other things.
- Lånekassen can give a preliminary statement that you will receive financial support , which may be necessary when you apply for a visa. This applies especially to the United States.
- You must have received prior approval and been accepted by the host teacher before you can apply to Lånekassen . You will be notified by the International Office when you can apply for support.
Read more about MF's Erasmus+ agreement:
Students who go to an educational institution where MF has an Erasmus agreement can receive an Erasmus grant. You do not need to apply for this. The amount varies depending on the country of destination. The scholarship is €410 per month for students traveling to low-cost countries and €460 per month for students traveling to high-cost countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Sweden and Great Britain). Students who go on exchange and have minor children can receive an additional grant of €200 per month.
Internship through Erasmus+
Teacher education students can receive support for internships abroad. You can also get support for an internship up to 12 months after graduation (you must find an internship yourself). Contact the international office if this is a possibility.
As an Erasmus+ student, you must remember:
- Sign the scholarship contract - You will receive this from the international office. It must be signed well in advance of departure.
- Learning/training agreement - You enter the subjects that you plan to take at the host institution with signatures from both the host institution, you and your study supervisor.
- Confirmation of length of stay - sent to the international office at MF.
Students who go to educational institutions in the Nordic region where MF has a Nordplus agreement can receive a Nordplus grant. The size of the scholarship varies based on interest and is around 200 euros a month and around 330 euros in travel support.
MF's starting grant
Alle studenter som drar på utveksling til et av MFs partnere (ikke Erasmus+ eller Nordplus) får 5 000 i startstipend.
Krav for å få stipend
- Du må dra til en av MFs partnere (gjelder ikke Erasmus+ eller Nordplus)
- Utvekslingsoppholdet må ha minimumslengde på 3 måneder.
The application form is sent to
The payment takes place after you have arrived at your exchange location.
Other scholarship schemes
There are opportunities to apply for various scholarships and grants. You should investigate the possibilities early, preferably a year before the planned exchange.