- Course code: K5410
- Credits: 10
- Semester: Autumn
- Language: English
Study program affiliation:
Systematic Theology K5410
The course is a basic course in Systematic Theology.
The study of Systematic Theology on higher level is going to present the Christian faith for humans today. It aims to formulate on what conditions it may be seen as relevant and applicable within a wider cultural framework. The course gives particular insight into how to work on Systematic Theology today, by integrating perspectives from other theological disciplines and sciences, specifically social science and humanities.
It is an important goal to discuss in what way Christian Theology can establish a voice in a broad social and cultural discourse. Thus, this study seeks to give the best conditions for understanding how the students articulate a relevant interpretation of Christian faith in society, in school and in church. The course also covers some aspects of Fundamental Questions in Systematic Theology.
About the study
Study requirements
The requirements for receiving a final assessment are:
- Writing a draft for an essay related to the curriculum of the course. The theme of the essay and the draft shall be approved upon by a professor in the respective discipline. The draft shall include a complete introduction with a problem for discussion and a presentation of the material, method and outline of the essay.
- Attend a minimum of 60% of the lectures.
- Participating in the evaluation of the curriculum and/or of the learning environment, if such evaluation is stipulated in the relevant term.
Final assessment/Exam
K5410 has an academic essay (2800-4000 words) and an oral exam as the form of final assessment. The students have to deliver the academic essay within the given deadline. The oral exam is independent from the essay and covers the material of the entire course. The final mark (A-F) is given on the basis of both the essay (50 %) and the oral exam (50 %).
Learning outcome
The student can:
- demonstrate a good understanding of the theological and hermeneutical conditions involved in formulating an appropriate interpretation of Christian faith
- demonstrate good knowledge of the most important intellectual challenges for contemporary systematic theology in its encounter with contemporary understandings of religion
- demonstrate a good understanding of how and why Christian theology must be done in an academically responsible way
- demonstrate a good understanding of various current formulations of Christian theology that strive to meet the intellectual challenges of our time
The student can:
- discuss selected dogmatic and ethical issues
- write in ways that are in conversation with other disciplines such as other social sciences, natural sciences and humanities
- write a scholarly paper using relevant sources and with appropriate references and footnotes.
Overlapping courses
Parts of K5410 Systematic Theology overlap with TEOL5420 Ethics and Philosophy of Religion, TEOL5410 Revelation, Trinity and Incarnation, FIL5010 The Biq Questions and the former course K5415 Dogmatics and Ethics.
- Students who have already completed TEOL5420 will receive 8 credit points (ECTS) for K5410 on their transcript of records or diploma.
- Students who have already completed TEOL5410 will receive 5 credit points (ECTS) for K5410 on their transcript of records or diploma.
- Students who have already completed FIL5010 will receive 8 credit points (ECTS) for K5410 on their transcript of records or diploma.
- Students who have already completed FIL2010 will receive 8 credit points (ECTS) for K5410 on their transcript of records or diploma.
- Students who have already completed K5415 will receive 7 credit points (ECTS) for K5410 on their transcript of records or diploma.
Students who are planning to take more than two of these overlapping courses are asked to contact a student advisor.
Reading list
Here you can find the reading list for this course.
Part of the literature will be available digitally, while other parts might only be available in paper format. Some of the literature will be available as compendiums, which you can find via the course room in Canvas.
You will automatically get access to literature that is available digitally when you are sitting at MF, otherwise you can get access by using Oria or by using "External access" in the library's list of databases.
Note that it will take some time before link to the reading list is updated. Please make sure that you are looking at the correct semester's reading list.