- Course code: TEOL5610
- Credits: 10
- Semester: Autumn
- Language: English
Study program affiliation:
Changing Mission - Main Issues in Missiology TEOL5610
This course will focus on the main issues of missiology. The different paradigms of missiology from Biblical times until the present will be analyzed and evaluated with the aim of meeting the challenges that face the church in the present missionary situation. This will include the theological basis of mission, missional ecclesiology, the relationship of mission to other religions and to spiritual conflict, contextualization, ecumenism, eschatology and the social responsibility of mission with regard to poverty, peace and liberation,. One will discuss the answers that are given within the large Christian traditions; the Orthodox, the Catholic, the Protestant Ecumenical, the Evangelical and the Pentecostal. The aim is to develop a mission theology which is both based on the Bible and relevant in the contemporary global context.
About the study
Study requirements
- a book report of approximately 2000 words to be handed in by a set deadline
- take part in a minimum of 75% of the lectures
- participate in the evaluation of the curriculum and/or of the learning environment, if such evaluation is stipulated in the relevant term.
When course requirements are not fulfilled this will count as one examination attempt, unless you withdraw within the set deadline (1 May/ 1 November).
Final assessment/Exam
To gain credit for the course the student must fulfil the requirement, and then sit for a written examination (6 hours). The written examination is assessed with a grade (A-F).
Examination support material permitted on the exam: List E, List F. Link to overview over support material lists: https://www2.mf.no/dokumenter/studier/eksamen/hjelpemidler_eksamen.pdf
In order to receive a final assessment, the student must fulfil the course requirements within the fixed deadline. When course requirements are not fulfilled this will count as one examination attempt, unless you withdraw within the set deadline (1 May/ 1 November).
Learning outcome
The studen has:
- thorough knowledge of the theological basis for mission.
- thorough knowledge of how the church in its different confessional traditions down through history has understood and practised its missionary obligation.
- thorough knowledge of different mission paradigms and the main issues in mission theology.
- thorough knowledge of the main factors in church and society that have influenced the mission theology and practice of the church.
The student can:
- deal critically with various historical and contemporary sources within missiology in order to formulate arguments.
- utilize existing theories in the field and apply them on theoretical and practical problems.
- discuss critically main issues in missiology.
- contribute to the on-going development of a missiology for our time.
The student can:
- analyze historical and contemporary missiological problems.
- master terminology of the field of missiology and to communicate about main issues in missiology.
- communicate about main missiological issues, both with specialists and the general public.
- contribute to new thinking in the field of missiology.
Overlapping courses
Parts of TEOL5610 Changing Mission - Main Issues in Missiology overlap with the former MV602 Introduction to Missiology. Because of this overlap, students who have already completed MV602 will receive 5 credit points (ECTS) for TEOL5610 on their transcript of records or diploma.
Reading list
Here you can find the reading list for this course.
Part of the literature will be available digitally, while other parts might only be available in paper format. Some of the literature will be available as compendiums, which you can find via the course room in Canvas.
You will automatically get access to literature that is available digitally when you are sitting at MF, otherwise you can get access by using Oria or by using "External access" in the library's list of databases.
Note that it will take some time before link to the reading list is updated. Please make sure that you are looking at the correct semester's reading list.