MF CASR Lunch with Atle O. Søvik
MF CASR Lunch with Atle O. Søvik
Sted: MF Library
MF CASR Lunch with Michael Agerbo Mørch
MF CASR Lunch with Michael Agerbo Mørch
Sted: Biblioteket
Writing Bootcamp: how to engineer a clear, systematic, and orderly thesis or dissertation
Writing Bootcamp: how to engineer a clear, systematic, and orderly thesis or dissertation
Sted: Biblioteket
MF CASR Book Talk med Andreas Holmedahl Hvidsten
MF CASR Book Talk med Andreas Holmedahl Hvidsten
Sted: Biblioteket
MF CASR Book Talk with Marion Grau
MF CASR Book Talk with Marion Grau
Sted: Biblioteket
Utstillingsåpning - "Skeivt kulturår"
Utstillingsåpning - "Skeivt kulturår"
Sted: Biblioteket
"Sett deg ned og skriv"
"Sett deg ned og skriv"
Sted: Biblioteket