Principles for Open Access Publishing at MF
The principles for open access publishing apply to both scientific articles and monographs produced by researchers at MF.
Articles from projects funded by the Research Council of Norway (RCN)
In projects starting in 2021 or later are to be made available with a Creative Commons licence CC BY 4.0.
For articles connected with the projects, researchers are to add the following sentence when submitting a manuscript:
"This research was funded, in whole or in part, by The Research Council of Norway [6-siffret prosjektnummer]. A CC BY or equivalent licence is applied to any Author Accepted Manuscript (AAM) version arising from this submission, in accordance with the grant’s open access conditions."
Questions concering Open Access?
Please proceed to the MF library web pages, or the information page
Chief Librarian
Director of Research
- Open Publishing:
Research at MF should be published in a way that makes it easily accessible to others. - Choice of Channel:
Researchers at MF must familiarize themselves with relevant publication channels for their research and field.
Avoid publishing channels with high costs or unacceptable quality practices. - Use the Channel Registry:
MF encourages publication in open-access journals registered in the Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers. - Open Access – Free and Paid:
MF recommends publishing research articles in journals where work is immediately and openly accessible without cost to the author or institution (“diamond open access”).
If not feasible for academic reasons, consider publishing in journals covered by MF’s publish-and-read agreements (APC agreements, “gold open access”) with publishers like Wiley, Springer, and Taylor and Francis.
MF also has an agreement with MDPI, providing a 20% discount on publishing fees.
For open publishing in MDPI or other journals not covered by our APC agreements, researchers may need to apply to MF for publishing support. - Closed Publishing with Accessible Postprint:
If funding institutions (e.g., NFR) do not require otherwise, research can also be published in a subscription journal without direct open access. In such cases, MF researchers should still submit the postprint version of the article (Author Accepted Manuscript) to MF’s institutional repository. See our pages on self-archiving of postprint.
This version can be made openly accessible after any embargo period has expired. Researchers can achieve this by uploading it via Cristin (or by sending the postprint file to MF recommends that researchers in such cases prepare an author addendum (see point 8). - Author’s Rights:
Prior to publication, researchers must clarify the rights applicable to publishing in the specific channel/journal. It is the responsibility of individual researchers to do so. The library can assist if needed. Please consult the library resource pages on author's rights in publishing. - Avoid Embargo Periods:
Researchers should ensure that they retain the rights to publish their work and that any embargo period for potential open access (“green open access”) is not too long (typically 12-18 months). Embargo periods should be minimized whenever possible. - Create an Author Addendum:
To make research available in line with requirements from funding institutions (e.g., NFR), it is recommended that researchers use an author addendum when entering into a publishing agreement with a publisher. The author addendum will override the publisher’s default policy for self-archiving, ensuring that the author retains the right to make their research work available in an archive. - All Publications Must Be Submitted to the Library:
Research contributions should be submitted to the MF library for deposition (with or without embargo). This applies regardless of whether the contribution is published with open access or not. - When Does MF Grant Publishing Support?
Researchers at MF have the opportunity to apply for coverage of expenses related to open publishing (including Article Processing Charges, APCs for articles). Such applications are submitted via an online application form. The application should justify the need for covering such expenses and explain the benefits of open publishing for the specific publication. These applications are processed continuously (no deadline). - Priorities at MF:
When considering requests for coverage of publishing support expenses, MF will prioritize publications with exceptional quality, relevance, or significance for research and career development of MF researchers. The impact of the publication will also be taken into account, whether it is reaching international peers or an important national audience.
For extensive and detailed information about open access, the following website can be recommended
See also the over-arching Principles for Open Science at MF at