INTERSECT Research Group Celebrates 6 Successful Years

Since 2018, Iselin Frydenlund and Torkel Brekke have led the research project Intersecting Flows of Islamophobia (INTERSECT), a collaborative project between MF and the Center for Extremism Research (C-REX) at the University of Oslo. The project is financed by the Research Council of Norway (FRIHUMSAM) in the period 2018-2024.

The project has delivered ground-breaking research internationally, by understanding Islamophobia (defined as unilaterally negative and essentializing representations of Islam and Muslims) from a global perspective. We have done this by analyzing flows of ideas, material objects and people across national borders. We argue that Islamophobia cannot be understood exclusively within the national context, but must be understood as part of a global co-production, of which the far-right terrorist attacks on 22 July 2011 and 10 August 2019, as well as SIAN's Koran burnings, are all clear examples on.

We now want to mark the end of the INTERSECT project with a panel discussion where samples from the project are presented and discussed. The panel discussion is followed by a reception with food.
All employees at MF are warmly welcome, together with INTERSECT's friends and partners outside MF.
Registration can be done here.

Date and time: 3 December, 3:00-5:00 PM
15.00-1510: Velkommen og introduksjon ved Iselin Frydenlund
15.10-1610: Panelsamtale med innledninger fra Sindre Bangstad, Edin Kozaric, Torkel Brekke og Iselin Frydenlund. Samtalen ledes av Lars Laird Iversen.
16.10-1700: Mottakelse i biblioteket.