MF CASR Lunch Talks - Spring 2024
MF CASR is pleased to announce our lineup of Tuesday Lunch Talks for the spring.
30 January: Asle Eikrem, Book Talk: "Who? How Many? An Ethics of Migration for Norway"
6 February: Victor Ghica, “The Archaeology of Fourth-Century Christianity in Egypt and DEChriM’s Work Packages”
13 February: Unn Målfrid Høgseth Rolandsen and Liv Ingeborg Lied, MF CASR Ideas Workshop: Do you have an idea for a RCN or ERC application?
20 February: WINTER BREAK
27 February: Ragnar Misje Bergem, "Monoteisme og politikk"
5 March: Nora Eggen, «Hvem eier teksten? Autoritet og legitimitet i koranoversettelse»
12 March: Francis Borchardt, “The Myth of the Sibyls and the Production of Sibylline Oracles”
19 March: Tore Bjørgo, «Høyreekstrem vold, terror og hatkriminalitet: Hva er det?»
2 April: Ingunn Aadland, "Bible Reception and the Discursive Space of Culture"
9 April: Liv Ingeborg Lied and Dana Ryan Lande, “The Tolls of Public-Facing Scholarship”
16 April: Matthew P. Monger and Silje Einarsen, «Hellige skrifter: praksiser for tolkning, fremføring og helliggjørelse»
23 April: Ideas Workshop
30 April: Solvor Mjøberg Lauritzen and Alexandru Zamfir, "Approaches to teaching Roma slavery to prevent anti-Roma racism"
7 May: Atle Søvik, “Book presentation: Nick Bostrom, Deep Utopia, Life and Meaning in a Solved World (2024)”
14 May: Iselin Frydenlund, “A Buddhist Revolution or a Revolution of Buddhism? Attempts at Theorizing the Myanmar Spring Revolution”
21 May: Mia Lövheim, "Constructive Journalism on Religion: Cases, Characteristics and Questions for Further Research"
28 May: Årstein Justnes, «The Lying Pen of Scribes Toppforsk (2019–2024): Tre historier om avvisning – og hva de kan lære oss om å lede forskning»
4 June: Florian Neitmann, "More or Less Biblical Readings: Early Jewish Texts in a Syriac Lectionary Manuscript from India"