Sturla Stålsett becomes the new rector at MF Norwegian School of Theology, Religion and Society
After a thorough and extensive process involving several strong candidates, the board has unanimously appointed Sturla Stålsett (60) as the new rector of MF Norwegian School of Theology, Religion, and Society.
– Sturla Stålsett brings significant expertise, both academically and in leadership, including his many years as Secretary General of the Church City Mission (Kirkens Bymisjon). He also has experience leading extensive and complex processes, emphasizes Atle Sommerfeldt, Chair of the Board at MF Norwegian School of Theology, Religion and Society
Broad Academic Expertise and Extensive Network
– Stålsett has a broad academic background that encompasses MF's current academic profile, combined with an extensive network in the church, society, and voluntary sectors—both nationally and globally. He is an experienced and skilled communicator who fosters broad collaboration within the institutions and processes he has led, as well as externally in the church and society, Sommerfeldt highlights.
The Chair particularly mentions the government-appointed committee led by Stålsett, which resulted in the landmark report «Det livssynsåpne samfunn» (NOU 2013:1).
Sturla Stålsett has been a professor of diakonial studies, religion, and society at MF since 2014.
– What can you bring to MF in a new way as rector?
– I have been engaged in the intersection of church and society throughout my life. My experiences in leadership, academia, and the voluntary sector have given me a comprehensive understanding of how theology, religion, and society interact. MF is a unique institution with a rich and diverse academic environment, and I look forward to leading it further during a time marked by significant societal changes and challenges for the churces, says Stålsett.
Established in 1907, MF is today Norway's largest educational institution in theology and church-related studies. Over the past decades, the school has also developed strong academic environments in social sciences, religious studies, and teacher education.
MF – Norways largest Academic Environment for Theology, Religion, and Society
– I am theologically rooted in the tradition of the Church of Norway, shaped by liberation theology, the Lutheran heritage, and ecumenical and interreligious dialogue. MF is already a leading institution in its fields, and my goal is for us to be a dynamic force that not only preserves tradition but also explores new paths to meet the challenges of the future, says Stålsett.
The Road Ahead for MF
– MF has an important societal mission. We will continue to educate competent and reflective professionals in various fields, pastors, and leaders who can contribute knowledge, wisdom, and engagement in a changing world. My goal as rector is to strengthen the community at MF, promote interdisciplinarity, and facilitate research and education that both challenge and inspire. Together, we will make MF an even more prominent voice in the church, academia, and society, concludes Sturla Stålsett.
Stålsett will assume the role of rector on August 1, 2025, succeeding Professor Vidar L. Haanes, who has served as rector since 2005.
- Press inquiries regarding the board's decision should be directed to the Chair of the Board, Atle Sommerfeldt:
Phone 917 55 112, atle.w.sommerfeldt@gmail.com. - For comments from Sturla Stålsett: phone: 986 00 461, Sturla.Stalsett@mf.no
CV Sturla Stålsett
- Professor of diaconal studies, religion and society, MF Norwegian School of Theology, Religion and Society, Oslo (August 2014 – dd)
- Parish Priest, Sagene Parish, Church of Norway (01.01. – 31.07.2014)
- Secretary General, Church City Mission Oslo (01.04.2006 – 31.12.2013).
- Visiting researcher, Centre for Development and the Environment (SUM), University of Oslo (01.10. 2005 – 31.03.2006)
- Leader of the Research Program "Religion i globaliseringsalderen" (RIGA) The Faculty of Theology, University of Oslo (01.01.2002 – 30.09.2005)
- Associate Professor, systematic theology, The Faculty of Theology, University of Oslo (50%) (1998 – 2001)
- International Coordinator for International Network in Advanced Theological Education (INATE), based at The Faculty of Theology, University of Oslo (50%) (1998 – 2001)
- Project leader for the development and establishemnt of International Network in Advanced Theological Education (INATE) and MPhil in Contextual theology, UiO (1998 – 2001)
- University Fellow, The Faculty of Theology, University of Oslo (1997)
- Doctoral Fellow, The Research Council of Norway (prev. NAVF) (1993 – 1996).
- Regional Officer for Latin-Amerika,Norwegian Church Aid (1992)
- Senior Consultant, Planning Department, Norwegian Church Aid (1991)
- Consultant for Latin-Amerika, Norwegian Church Aid (01.08.1989 – 31.12.1990)
- 2003 Praktisk-teologisk seminar, University of Oslo, with internships at Aker Hospital and in Tanum Parish.
- 1998 Doctor theologiae at University of Oslo, dissertation «The crucified and the Crucified. A Study in the Liberation Christology of Jon Sobrino»
- 1989 Cand. theol. at the Norwegian School of Theology, Oslo
- 1987 Political Science undergraduate, University of Oslo
- 1985 Study period at Seminario Bíblico Latinoamericano, San José, Costa Rica
- 1982 Examen philosophicum, University of Oslo
- 1982 Examen artium, Elverum Upper Secondary School, General studies, Social Science
- 2024 – dd. Employee Representative on the Board at MF
- 2024 – dd. Member on behalf of the Church of Norway, Churches’ Commission on International Affairs CCIA, World Council of Churches
- 2020 – dd. Board Member, Tankesmien Agenda
- 2017 – dd. Board Member, Norwegian Refugee Council
- 2016 – dd. Member of the Organ Commitee at Sagene Parish
- 2014 – 2017 Chairman of the Board, Åpen folkekirke
- 2013 – 2017 Chairmanof the Board, The Association of NGOs in Norway
- 2010 – 2013 Leader of the Government-appointed Committee for Reviewing Faith and Life Stance Policies
- 2008 – 2011 Chariman of the Board for the HUK-field (Health, Education and Culture at HSH, now: Virke)
- 2004 – 2007 Member of Advisory Board, Initiative on Ethics and Development, Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
- 2004 – 2005 Deputy member of the Faculty Board, The Faculty of Theology, University of Oslo
- 2002 Leader of the Norwegian NGO-delegation to Chiapas, Mexico
- 1998 – 1999 Leader for Sagene Parish Council, the Church of Norway
- 1998 – 2001 Chosen member of Sagene Parish Council, the Church of Norway
- 2000 – 2004 Leader for Komiteen for Internasjonale Spørsmål (KISP), Mellomkirkelig Råd
- 2000 – 2004 Member of Mellomkirkelig Råd for the Church of Norway
- 1996 – 2004 Member of Komiteen for Internasjonale Spørsmål (KISP), Mellomkirkelig Råd
- 1993 Individual assignment: Evaluation of the Foundation for Peace and Justice in South Africa on assignment from Mellomkirkelig Råd
- 1992 – 1995 Member of Norsk teologisk nemnd (NTN), Mellomkirkelig Råd for the Church of Norway
See the overview at Sturla Stålsetts publicatoin page at Cristin
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