Professional competence areas:
- Alienation and existential indifference
- Meaning in life
- Meaning in work
- Psychology of Religion, Spirituality and Secularity
- Suffering and mortality awareness
Responsible for the following subjects:
- Master's Thesis
Subject code: AVH8010 - Psychology of Religion for Healthcare Practice
Subject code: RPSY5020 - Facing Life and Death - In Philippians and Today
Subject code: TEOL6745
I joined MF as Professor of Existential Psychology in October 2020. Since 2024, I am also Fellow at the Humanistic University Berlin, Germany. After studying psychology, theology, religious studies and philosophy in Göttingen (GER), London (UK), Heidelberg (GER) and Cambridge (UK), I obtained my doctorate in Psychology at the University of Trier (GER) and my habilitation in Psychology at the University of Innsbruck (AT), where I founded the Existential Psychology Lab. My research focuses on existential issues such as meaning in life, attitudes toward death and suffering, alienation, religious/spiritual/secular worldviews and their practical significance for individuals, organisations, society and the environment. Numerous international publications, collaborations, functions, talks. Latest books: "The Psychology of Meaning in Life" (Routledge, 2021); "Sinn finden" (w. K. Trotier, Ullstein, 2024). Website:
Latest academic publications
- Schnell, T. & Henriksen, J. (2025). Search for Meaning in the Anthropocene: A Dialogue Between Psychology and Theology, Dialog, Dialog, ISSN: 0012-2033
- Urata, Y. & Shimai, S. & Schnell, T. (2024). The Development and Validation of the Japanese Version of a Modular Meaning in Work Inventory (ME-Work), The Japanese Journal of Personality, The Japanese Journal of Personality, ISSN: 1348-8406
- Schnell, T. & Trotier, K. (2024). Sinn finden: Warum es gut ist, das Leben zu hinterfragen, ISBN: 978-3-550-20290-2
- Votter, B. & Schnell, T. (2024). Life Meaning Versus Intelligence: An Analysis of Three Qualities of Meaning Among Gifted Adults, Logotherapy and Existential Analysis ,, s. 241 - 258. Springer Publishing Company, ISBN: 9783031489211
- Kosic, A. & Passafaro, P. & Schnell, T. & Molinari, M. (2024). Meaning in Life and Care for the Environment: Bridging the Actions for Addressing Ecological Issues and Enhancing Residential Quality, Ecopsychology, s. 230 - 244. Ecopsychology, ISSN: 1942-9347
- Schnell, T. & Viviani, R. & Lenz, C. & Krampe, H. (2024). When alienated from society, conspiracy theory belief gives meaning to life, Heliyon, Heliyon, ISSN: 2405-8440
- Ishaq, B. & Bjertness, E. & Østby, L. & Johannessen, A. & Schnell, T. (2024). Is the degree of religiosity related to community belonging and trust in society? A cross-sectional study among Muslims in Norway, Social Sciences & Humanities Open, Social Sciences & Humanities Open
- Sørensen, V. H. & Andersen, A. H. & Andersen, T. & Rasmussen, A. & Aagesen, M. & Schnell, T. (2024). Meaning in life after cancer: Validation of the sources of meaning card method among participants in cancer rehabilitation, Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, ISSN: 0036-5564
- Haver, A. & Krampe, H. & Danbolt, L. J. & Stålsett, G. & Schnell, T. (2023). Emotion regulation moderates the association between COVID-19 stress and mental distress: findings on buffering, exacerbation, and gender differences in a cross-sectional study from Norway, Frontiers in Psychology, s. 1 - 15. Frontiers in Psychology, ISSN: 1664-1078
- Austad, A. & Cheyeka, A. M. & Danbolt, L. J. & Kamanga, G. & Mwale, N. & Stifoss-Hanssen, H. (2023). Experiences of meaning in life in urban and rural Zambia, Archive for the Psychology of Religion/ Archiv für Religionspsychologie, s. 247 - 268. Archive for the Psychology of Religion/ Archiv für Religionspsychologie, ISSN: 0084-6724
- Spitzenstätter, D. & Schnell, T. (2023). The Uncertain Certainty: A Mixed Methods Exploration of Personal Meanings of Death and Preliminary Insights Into Their Relationship With Worldview, Omega - Journal of Death and Dying, Omega - Journal of Death and Dying, ISSN: 0030-2228
- Schnell, T. & Danbolt, L. J. (2023). The Meaning and Purpose Scales (MAPS): development and multi-study validation of short measures of meaningfulness, crisis of meaning, and sources of purpose , BMC Psychology, s. 1 - 17. BMC Psychology, ISSN: 2050-7283
- La Cour, P. & Schnell, T. (2023). LeBe Kartenmethode , ISBN: 9783991050421
- La Cour, P. & Schnell, T. (2023). Kilder til mening - kortmetoden 2. udgave - dansk version , ISBN: 9783991050414
- La Cour, P. & Schnell, T. (2023). Kilder til mening – kortmetoden , ISBN: 978-3-99105-043-8
- Urata, Y. & Shimai, S. & Yamamoto, J. & Schnell, T. (2022). ME-Work Japanese version: Development of a modular meaning in work inventory (2)モジュール式仕事の意味尺度ME-Work日本版の開発(2: Study of factors related to meaning in work仕事の意味に関連する要因の検討., The Proceedings of the Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association, The Proceedings of the Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association, ISSN: 2433-7609
- Schnell, T. & Krampe, H. (2022). Meaningfulness protects from and crisis of meaning exacerbates general mental distress longitudinally, BMC Psychiatry, BMC Psychiatry, ISSN: 1471-244X
- Schnell, T. (2022). Suffering as meaningful choice. An existential approach., Ta vare. En bok om diakoni, sjelesorg og eksistensiell helse. Festskrift til Hans Stifoss-Hanssen,, s. 3 - 14. ISBN: 978-82-8456-007-6
- Kreiss, C. & Schnell, T. (2022). Have a good day! An experience-sampling study of daily meaningful and pleasant activities, Frontiers in Psychology, Frontiers in Psychology, ISSN: 1664-1078
- Shimai, S. & Urata, Y. & Yamamoto, J. & Schnell, T. (2022). ME-Work Japanese version: Development of a modular meaning in work inventory (1)モジュール式仕事の意味尺度ME-Work日本版の開発(1): Score distributions, factor validity, internal consistency, and relationship of modular scores得点分布、因子的妥性、内的一貫性、モジュール得点間の関連, The Proceedings of the Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association, The Proceedings of the Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association, ISSN: 2433-7609
- Schnell, T. (2021). The Psychology of Meaning in Life, Routledge, ISBN: 9780367415853
- Schnell, T. & de Boer, E. & Alma, H. (2021). Worlds Apart? Atheist, Agnostic, and Humanist Worldviews in Three European Countries, Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, s. 83 - 93. Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, ISSN: 1941-1022
- Tommasi, F. V. & Sartori, R. & Ceschi, A. & Schnell, T. (2021). The Meaning in Work Inventory : Validation of the Italian version and its association with sociodemographic variables, Bollettino di psicologia applicata, s. 17 - 36. Bollettino di psicologia applicata, ISSN: 0006-6761
- Schnell, T. & Spitzenstätter, D. & Krampe, H. (2021). Compliance With Covid-19 Public Health Guidelines: An Attitude-Behaviour Gap Bridged by Personal Concern and Distance to Conspiracy Ideation. , Psychology and Health, Psychology and Health, ISSN: 0887-0446
- Böhmer, M. & la Cour, P. & Schnell, T. (2021). A randomized controlled trial of the Sources of Meaning Card Method: a new meaning-oriented approach predicts depression, anxiety, pain acceptance, and crisis of meaning in chronic pain patients., Pain medicine (Malden, Mass.), s. 314 - 325. Pain medicine (Malden, Mass.), ISSN: 1526-2375
- Krampe, H. & Danbolt, L. J. & Haver, A. & Stålsett, G. & Schnell, T. (2021). Locus of control moderates the association of COVID-19 stress and general mental distress: results of a Norwegian and a German-speaking cross-sectional survey, BMC Psychiatry, s. 1 - 13. BMC Psychiatry, ISSN: 1471-244X
- Schnell, T. (2020). Psychologie des Lebenssinns, Springer, ISBN: 978-3-662-61119-7
- Schnell, T. (2020). Glücksversprechen? Die Selbstdarstellung diakonischer Sozialunternehmen aus Perspektive der Sinn- und Glücksforschung., Gibt es Glück in der Diakonie ,, s. 17 - 34. Mohr Siebeck, ISBN: 978-3-16-159095-5
- Spitzenstaetter, D. & Schnell, T. (2020). Effects of mortality awareness on attitudes toward dying and death and meaning in life-a randomized controlled trial., Death Studies, s. 1219 - 1233. Death Studies, ISSN: 0748-1187
- Schnell, T. & Krampe, H. (2020). Meaning in Life and Self-Control Buffer Stress in Times of COVID-19: Moderating and Mediating Effects With Regard to Mental Distress. , Frontiers in Psychiatry, Frontiers in Psychiatry, ISSN: 1664-0640
- Spitzenstätter, D. & Schnell, T. (2020). The existential dimension of the pandemic: Death attitudes, personal worldview, and coronavirus anxiety, Death Studies, s. 1031 - 1041. Death Studies, ISSN: 0748-1187
- la Cour, P. & Schnell, T. (2020). Presentation of the Sources of Meaning Card Method: The SoMeCaM., Journal of humanistic psychology, s. 20 - 42. Journal of humanistic psychology, ISSN: 0022-1678
- Schnell, T. (2020). Sinnerleben und Wohlergehen in Zeiten von Covid-19, Wissenschaftliches Jahrbuch der Tiroler Landesmuseen. 13(2020),, s. 31 - 35. Studienverlag, ISBN: 978-3706560825
- Schnell, T. & Fuchs, D. & Hefti, R. (2020). Worldview under stress: Preliminary findings on cardiovascular and cortisol stress responses predicted by secularity, religiosity, spirituality, and existential search, Journal of religion and health, s. 2969 - 2989. Journal of religion and health, ISSN: 0022-4197
- Krampe, H. & Goerling, U. & Spies, C. D. & Gerhards, S. K. & Enge, S. & Salz, A. (2020). Sense of coherence, mental well-being and perceived preoperative hospital and surgery related stress in surgical patients with malignant, benign, and no neoplasms, BMC Psychiatry, BMC Psychiatry, ISSN: 1471-244X
- Schnell, T. & Hoffmann, C. (2020). ME-Work: Development and validation of a modular meaning in work inventory., Frontiers in Psychology, Frontiers in Psychology, ISSN: 1664-1078
- Votter, B. & Schnell, T. (2019). Cross-Lagged Analyses Between Life Meaning, Self-Compassion, and Subjective Well-being Among Gifted Adults, Mindfulness, s. 1294 - 1303. Mindfulness, ISSN: 1868-8527
- Votter, B. & Schnell, T. (2019). Bringing Giftedness to Bear: Generativity, Meaningfulness, and Self-Control as Resources for a Happy Life Among Gifted Adults, Frontiers in Psychology, Frontiers in Psychology, ISSN: 1664-1078
- Schnell, T. & Höge, T. & Weber, W. G. (2019). Belonging' and its relationship to the experience of meaningful work, The Oxford Handbook of Meaningful Work,, s. 165 - 185. Oxford University Press, ISBN: 9780198788232
- Pedersen, H. F. & Birkeland, M. H. & Jensen, J. S. & Schnell, T. & Hvidt, N. C. & Sørensen, T. (2018). What brings meaning to life in a highly secular society? A study on sources of meaning among Danes, Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, s. 678 - 690. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, ISSN: 0036-5564
- Sørensen, T. & la Cour, P. & Danbolt, L. J. & Stifoss-Hanssen, H. & Lien, L. & deMarinis, V. (2018). The Sources of Meaning and Meaning in Life Questionnaire in the Norwegian Context: Relations to Mental Health, Quality of Life, and Self-Efficacy, The international journal for the psychology of religion, s. 32 - 45. The international journal for the psychology of religion, ISSN: 1050-8619
- Krampe, H. & Barth-Zoubairi, A. & Schnell, T. & Salz, A. & Kerper, L. F. & Spies, C. D. (2018). Social Relationship Factors, Preoperative Depression, and Hospital Length of Stay in Surgical Patients, International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, s. 1 - 11. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, ISSN: 1070-5503