Solvor Mjøberg Lauritzen
- Education
- Office: 467
- Phone number: 22590597
Professional competence areas:
- Education and conflict
- Intercultural education
- The Roma minority
I research and teach in the field of education, with expertise in peace education, intercultural education, and critical Roma studies. In recent years, my research has mainly focused on the minorities Roma and Travellers, in Norway and globally. My focus is on critical analyses of social structures that affect Roma and Travellers's life opportunities, and I am concerned that research should contribute to change and social justice. Among other things, I have written about discourses in educational research on Roma, the educational situation of Roma, antigypsyism/anti-Roma racism, media exposure and migration.
I lead the research group "Critical Romani Studies", and am a member of the groups "Researching education in a globalized world" and "Migration, minorities and marginalization"
Selected publications
- Lauritzen, S. M. (2023). Antisiganisme i Norge, Norsk sosiologisk tidsskrift, s. 23 - 40. Norsk sosiologisk tidsskrift, ISSN: 2535-2512
- Lauritzen, S. M. & Dumitru, M. (2023). Roma Experiencing Rough Sleeping in Westminster and Beyond: Evaluating New Approaches
- Lauritzen, S. M. (2022). Rasisme mot romer og romanifolk/ tatere - Antisiganisme eller anti-romsk rasisme?, Nytt Norsk Tidsskrift (NNT), s. 133 - 144. Nytt Norsk Tidsskrift (NNT), ISSN: 0800-336X
- Lauritzen, S. M. (2020). Att lyckas med det omöjliga: Romska studenter vid rumänska universitet, Från interkulturell pedagogik till romska studier : en festskrift för Christina Rodell Olgaç, s. 92 - 106.
- Lauritzen, S. M. (2019). Accessing basic education in Romania: Possibilities and limitations for NGOs working for educational change for Roma children, Journal of educational change, s. 1 - 22. Journal of educational change, ISSN: 1389-2843
- Lauritzen, S. M. (2018). Nomadism in Research on Roma Education, Critical Romani Studies, s. 58 - 75. Critical Romani Studies, ISSN: 2560-3019
- Lauritzen, S. M. & Nodeland, T. S. (2018). "What is the problem represented to be?" Two decades of research on Roma and education in Europe, Educational Research Review, s. 148 - 169. Educational Research Review, ISSN: 1747-938X
- Lauritzen, S. M. & Nodeland, T. S. (2017). What happened and why? Considering the role of truth and memory in peace education curricula, Journal of Curriculum Studies, s. 437 - 455. Journal of Curriculum Studies, ISSN: 0022-0272
- Lauritzen, S. M. (2016). Educational change following conflict: Challenges related to the implementation of a peace education programme in Kenya, Journal of educational change, s. 1 - 18. Journal of educational change, ISSN: 1389-2843
- Lauritzen, S. M. (2016). Building peace through education in a post-conflict environment: A case study exploring perceptions of best practices, International Journal of Educational Development, s. 77 - 83. International Journal of Educational Development, ISSN: 0738-0593
Latest academic publications
- Kloster, S. T. & Løland, O. J. & Lauritzen, S. M. & Stålsett, S. J. (2025). Hellig makt. Studier i politisk teologi, Cappelen Damm Akademisk, ISBN: 9788202822149
- Lauritzen, S. M. & Aadland, I. (2025). Folket : hellige fastboende og ugudelige omstreifere, Hellig makt. Studier i politisk teologi,, s. 91 - 117. Cappelen Damm Akademisk, ISBN: 9788202822149
- Kloster, S. T. & Løland, O. J. & Lauritzen, S. M. & Stålsett, S. J. (2025). Utgang : Når makten helliges - og det hellige får makt , Hellig makt. Studier i politisk teologi,, s. 250 - 271. Cappelen Damm Akademisk, ISBN: 9788202822149
- Kloster, S. T. & Løland, O. J. & Lauritzen, S. M. & Stålsett, S. J. (2025). Inngang : Hellig makt? Politisk teologi i dag, Hellig makt. Studier i politisk teologi,, s. 13 - 34. Cappelen Damm Akademisk, ISBN: 9788202822149
- Lauritzen, S. M. (2023). Antisiganisme i Norge, Norsk sosiologisk tidsskrift, s. 23 - 40. Norsk sosiologisk tidsskrift, ISSN: 2535-2512
- Lauritzen, S. M. (2022). Rasisme mot romer og romanifolk/ tatere - Antisiganisme eller anti-romsk rasisme?, Nytt Norsk Tidsskrift (NNT), s. 133 - 144. Nytt Norsk Tidsskrift (NNT), ISSN: 0800-336X
- Lauritzen, S. M. (2019). Accessing basic education in Romania: Possibilities and limitations for NGOs working for educational change for Roma children, Journal of educational change, s. 1 - 22. Journal of educational change, ISSN: 1389-2843
- Lauritzen, S. M. (2018). Nomadism in Research on Roma Education, Critical Romani Studies, s. 58 - 75. Critical Romani Studies, ISSN: 2560-3019
- Lauritzen, S. M. & Nodeland, T. S. (2018). "What is the problem represented to be?" Two decades of research on Roma and education in Europe, Educational Research Review, s. 148 - 169. Educational Research Review, ISSN: 1747-938X
- Lauritzen, S. M. & Nodeland, T. S. (2017). What happened and why? Considering the role of truth and memory in peace education curricula, Journal of Curriculum Studies, s. 437 - 455. Journal of Curriculum Studies, ISSN: 0022-0272
- Aamaas, Å. & Duesund, K. H. & Lauritzen, S. M. (2017). Placements abroad and scaffolding structures, Studies in Higher Education, s. 539 - 553. Studies in Higher Education, ISSN: 0307-5079
- Lauritzen, S. M. (2016). Educational change following conflict: Challenges related to the implementation of a peace education programme in Kenya, Journal of educational change, s. 1 - 18. Journal of educational change, ISSN: 1389-2843
- Lauritzen, S. M. (2016). Building peace through education in a post-conflict environment: A case study exploring perceptions of best practices, International Journal of Educational Development, s. 77 - 83. International Journal of Educational Development, ISSN: 0738-0593
Research projects
Education and practice
2010 - 2013
PhD in Education, University of York
2007 - 2008
MA in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages), University of York
2006 - 2007
PPU, Høgskolen i Telemark
2004 - 2006
BA i Engelsk og Kristendom, Høyskolen i Vestfold