In the school year 2023/2024, Anna-Lena Rinke and Tim Wagner studied theology at MF through ERASMUS+. Both come from Germany.

Anna-Lena chose MF primarily because she wanted to explore a new country and learn a new language.

‘The combination of Scandinavian, Lutheran and international theology, as well as daily devotions, was very appealing,’ she says.

Broader overview
She says the teaching at MF is completely different than at her university in Germany.

‘I like that the classes here usually cover a relatively large topic, which gives me a broader overview of all areas of a theological field, such as systematic theology. I also like that the classes here aren't too big, and that you always see familiar faces outside of class,’ says Anna-Lena.

In the spring semester, she challenged herself by taking two courses in Norwegian.

‘It's been a bit of a struggle, but it's also great to realise that it's possible to make great progress in a new language in just a few months. I'm amazed at how much I've learnt in such a short time!

Everyday orientated theology
It's been interesting to see how people live here and how this affects the church. For example, how modern and traditional the church is at the same time,’ says Tim Wagner.

He has appreciated MF's mix of theory and practice and the opportunity to explore different subject areas.

‘The teaching is much more orientated around everyday life than I'm used to,’ says Tim.

He's also been able to study subjects he wouldn't have had the opportunity to take at home. For example, the psychology of religion.

Valuable community
Both Anna-Lena and Tim believe that MF has a valuable community where academic theology and practical faith go hand in hand. They have participated in devotions, travelled with the student priests on pilgrimages, and engaged in activities such as floorball and international events.

‘It's so nice and important to be able to talk about academic theology in class, and to also have devotions where you share your faith with each other,’ says Anna-Lena.

Outside their studies, they have explored Oslo and Norway. From trips to Bergen and Tromsø to hiking and outdoor activities.

‘I'm very grateful for the experiences I've had here,’ says Tim.

He believes that the experiences and lessons learnt at MF can be of great importance in further studies, in future jobs and in life in general.

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