- Course code: EX1022
- Credits: 10
- Semester: Autumn
- Language: English
Study program affiliation:
Examen Facultatum: Critical Thinking and Academic Writing EX1022
This course is no longer offered. Students who have the right to take or retake the exam in this course can contact the study counselor. Please notice that there will be no formal teaching and no obligatory activities in the course before the extra ordinary exam.
EX1022 introduces students to the topic of critical thinking, which is not about what to think, but about how to think. There are three main topics. The first topic concerns how to clarify meaning and define terms, in order to achieve clear thinking. The second topic concerns assessing the quality of arguments and learning in detail what makes an argument good and what makes an argument poor. The third topic is academic writing and how to structure a scholarly text. The skills learnt in these courses are of great importance in all other academic courses, and an important general competence for any citizen.
About the study
Study requirements
This course is no longer offered. Students who have the right to take or retake the exam in this course can contact the study counselor. Please notice that there will be no formal teaching and no obligatory activities in the course before the extra ordinary exam.
In order to receive a final assessment, the student must:
- Pass a test of critical thinking.
- Participate in 2 of 3 seminars on academic writing.
- Complete an exercise in assessing the structure and style of an academic essay.
- Participate in the electronic evaluation of the course if such evaluation is stipulated in the relevant term.
When course requirements are not fulfilled, this will count as one examination attempt, unless the student withdraws before the set deadline (1 May/November).
Final assessment/Exam
The final assessment for this course is based on one written exam (4 hours). The course and final exam will be graded A-F.
Examination support material permitted on the exam: List F2. Link to overview over support material lists: https://www2.mf.no/dokumenter/studier/eksamen/hjelpemidler_eksamen.pdf
Learning outcome
The student has:
- good knowledge about how to clarify meaning
- good knowledge about how to assess arguments
- good knowledge about how to write academic essays
The student can:
- give good definitions of terms and clarify meaning of sentences
- assess arguments and explain why they are good or bad
- write academic essays according to academic standards
Overlapping courses
EX1022 Examen facultatum: Critical Thinking and Academic Writing overlaps completely with EX1020 Examen facultatum and EX1025 Examen facultatum: Social Sciences. Students who have already completed EX1020 or EX1025 will receive 0 credit points (ECTS) for EX1022 on their transcript of records or diploma. MF therefore recommends not to combine these courses.
Reading list
Here you can find the reading list for this course.
Part of the literature will be available digitally, while other parts might only be available in paper format. Some of the literature will be available as compendiums, which you can find via the course room in Canvas.
You will automatically get access to literature that is available digitally when you are sitting at MF, otherwise you can get access by using Oria or by using "External access" in the library's list of databases.
Note that it will take some time before link to the reading list is updated. Please make sure that you are looking at the correct semester's reading list.