- Emnekode: MET5010
- Studiepoeng: 10
- Semester: Vår
- Språk: Norsk
Kvalitative forskningsmetoder MET5010
MET5010 aims to make students able to critically understand and discuss the choices involved in conducting qualitative research, and help them in designing their own master thesis. The course addresses issues of research design, research methods, qualitative data collection and analysis, research ethics and criteria for evaluating research quality. The course will be taught in English in spring semester unless there are only Norwegian students participating in the course, and in Norwegian in autumn semester.
To be qualified for final assessment, the student must:
- Be present at 75% of the teaching
- Submitt written comments to a series of short video lectures in Canvas
- Read a former master thesis within your field and present its findings to a general public
- participate in a course in searching databases (not for students who have passed SAM5030)
- register topic for the master thesis (100-300 words)
- submit and have approved a project description for the master thesis (ca 1500-2000 words)
- write a digital contract with a supervisor
- participate in the in-depth evaluation of the course if such evaluation is stipulated in the relevant term
Registration lists will be made available in Canvas if there is more than one course offered in the course in searching databases.
When course requirements are not fulfilled, this will count as one examination attempt, unless the student withdraws before the set deadline.
Avsluttende vurdering/eksamen
The final assessment of MET5010 is an essay of 3500-4500 words. The essay should be in the form of a short research report based on a mini research project that the students will work on throughout the semester. The essay will be assessed by grades A - F.
- Innleveringsdato:
- 21. oktober 2024
- Innleveringsfrist:
- 12:00
- Trekkfrist:
- 7. oktober 2024
- Kunngjøringsdato:
- 11. november 2024
Individuell skriftlig oppgave - Ordinær eksamen
- Innleveringsdato:
- 20. januar 2025
- Innleveringsfrist:
- 12:00
- Trekkfrist:
- 5. januar 2025
- Kunngjøringsdato:
- 3. februar 2025
Individuell skriftlig oppgave - Ny/utsatt eksamen NB! Egne tilgangsregler
The candidate has:
- a thorough knowledge of the relations between research design, research questions and research methods
- a thorough knowledge of different qualitative research methods and their possibilities and limitations
- a thorough knowledge of ethical and methodological challenges in qualitative research involving people
- a good knowledge of strategies for qualitative data analysis
- a good knowledge of criteria for evaluating research quality
The candidate can:
- identify research questions, research methods and theoretical perspectives in an empirical study and critically discuss how methodological and theoretical choices influence the knowledge produced
- design a research project such as a master thesis, including formulating research questions, selecting suitable research methods and justifying the methodological choices made
- find and review academic literature relevant to one's own research project
- critically reflect on the ethical aspects of doing qualitative research
- critically discuss methodological challenges in research involving people, including issues of power relations and positionality
- carry out a small research project, including formulating a research question, collecting and analyzing empirical data and writing a research report based on the project’s findings
Overlappende emner
Parts of MET5010 Empirical research methods overlap with MET508 Research Methodology. Because of this overlap, students who have already completed MET508, will receive 6 credit points (ECTS) for MET5010 on their transcript of records or diploma.
Her finner du lenke til litteraturlisten for emnet.
Deler av litteraturen er tilgjengelig digitalt, annet finnes kun i papirutgaver. Deler av litteraturen kan være tilgjengelig i kompendier som du finner via emnerommet i Canvas.
Du får automatisk tilgang til litteratur som er tilgjengelig digitalt når du sitter på MF.
Ellers får du tilgang ved å logge deg inn på Oria eller bruke "Ekstern tilgang" i bibliotekets databaseliste.
Vedrørende Nasjonalbibliotekets e-bøker:
Pensumlitteratur er ikke tilgjengelig som e-bøker fra Nasjonalbiblioteket!
Når det gjelder annen litteratur er det ofte begrenset tilgang, men studenter kan søke om tilgang ved å komme til MFs bibliotek. Tilgang gis for 8 timer.
Dersom du ikke kan komme til MF, skal det være mulig å søke i sitt lokale folkebibliotek.
Merk at lenken til litteraturlisten trenger noe tid for å oppdateres. Vennligst dobbeltsjekk at du har kommet inn på riktig semester.