- Course code: MET5010
- Credits: 10
- Semester: Spring
- Language: Norwegian
Qualitative Research Methods MET5010
MET5010 aims to make students able to critically understand and discuss the choices involved in conducting qualitative research, and help them in designing their own master thesis. The course addresses issues of research design, methodology, different research methods, qualitative data collection and analysis, research ethics, and criteria for evaluating research quality.
Teaching and organization:
The course consists of three parts:
1) A common core
The common core gives students an overview of qualitative research and includes topics such as methodology, research design, research ethics, and research quality.
2) Elective modules
The elective modules give students the opportunity to gain in-depth knowledge and skills in selected
research methods relevant to their study program and master thesis. Each module will cover both data collection and data analysis. Students choose two (2) of the following modules:
- Qualitative interviews
- Ethnography / fieldwork
- Text and discourse analysis
- Archival research
- Methods in educational research
3) Seminars
In the seminars the students will present and receive feedback on the project description for their master thesis.
The course is taught in English unless there are only Norwegian students participating in the course. Some elective modules or seminars might be taught in Norwegian, depending on the student group.
About the study
Study requirements
In order to receive a final assessment, the student must:
- take active part in a minimum of 4 out of 6 classes in the common core part of the course
- take active part in a minimum of 3 out of 4 classes in two different elective modules
- prepare 6 short (200-300 words) written assignments associated with the assigned readings for the common core part of the course
- present their thesis ideas and a draft of the project description and give feedback to the drafts of other students (for theology students this includes being present and taking part in all activities in the start-up week organized for theology students)
- participate in a course in searching databases (not for students who have passed SAM5030)
- write a digital contract with a supervisor
- participate in the in-depth evaluation of the course if such evaluation is stipulated in the relevant term
When course requirements are not fulfilled, this will count as one examination attempt, unless the student withdraws before the set deadline (1 May).
Final assessment/Exam
The final assessment of MET5010 a project description for the master thesis (2500-3500) words. The project description will be assessed as "passed" / "failed".
To gain credits for the course the student must fulfill the course requirements.
Exam dates
- Submission date:
- 5. June 2025
- Submission deadline:
- 12:00
- Final deadline to withdraw from examination:
- 1. May 2025
- Release date for results:
- 25. June 2025
Essay (project description) - Ordinary exam
- Submission date:
- 18. August 2025
- Submission deadline:
- 12:00
- Final deadline to withdraw from examination:
- 3. August 2025
- Release date for results:
- 29. August 2025
Essay (project description) - New/deferred exam N.B. Own rules for access
Learning outcome
The candidate has:
- an advanced knowledge of the relations between research design, research questions and research methods
- an advanced knowledge of different qualitative research methods and their possibilities and limitations
- an advanced knowledge of ethical and methodological challenges in qualitative research involving people
- a good knowledge of strategies for qualitative data analysis
- a good knowledge of criteria for evaluating research quality
The candidate can:
- critically discuss how methodological and theoretical choices influence the knowledge produced
- design a research project such as a master thesis, including formulating research questions, selecting suitable research methods and justifying the methodological choices made
- find and review academic literature relevant to one's own research project
- critically reflect on the ethical aspects of doing qualitative research
- critically discuss methodological challenges in research involving people, including issues of power relations and positionality
Overlapping courses
Parts of MET5010 Empirical research methods overlap with MET5080 Research Methodology. Because of this overlap, students who have already completed MET5080, will receive 5 credit points (ECTS) for MET5010 on their transcript of records or diploma.
MET5010 overlaps completely with MET5020 Qualitative research methods (for theology students).
Students who have already passed MET5020 will receive 0 credit points for MET5010 on their transcript or
Reading list
Here you can find the reading list for this course.
Part of the literature will be available digitally, while other parts might only be available in paper format. Some of the literature will be available as compendiums, which you can find via the course room in Canvas.
You will automatically get access to literature that is available digitally when you are sitting at MF, otherwise you can get access by using Oria or by using "External access" in the library's list of databases.
Note that it will take some time before link to the reading list is updated. Please make sure that you are looking at the correct semester's reading list.