Monday 6 September was the official opening of MF's new writing center in the library.

Now students at MF can get help with assignments to be written.

- There are seven students, together with library manager Hanne Storm Ofteland and associate professor Hege Cathrine Finholt, who run the center, but it is the students themselves who will help other students. One of the writing mentors, Sofie Kjærnes, can tell this.

Furthermore, Sofie says that many students may feel a little confused when starting higher education. The writing mentors also felt this when they were new students.

- Therefore, we will now be a helping hand to new and "older" students who find it difficult to understand what a good academic text should contain. - We can help you with everything from outline, sentence structure, structure and reference, and more. But because we are also just students, we have no academic background in thesis writing - but we still have plenty of experience. Thus, we can guide you based on courses we have completed, as well as what we ourselves have experienced as a student at MF.

The guidance will take place as a learning conversation where we can play each other better together! We help both Norwegian and international students, says Sofie Kjærnes and Fridtjof Leemhuis, two of the seven writing mentors.

The writing center is open Monday-Friday between 12 and 20. Our hangout is at "Bable's Table" in the library. Booking will take place by email to, or you can just drop by at our table, is the request from the writing mentors.