Camilla Jørgensen
Doctoral Research Fellow
- Christian Education
- Office: 453
- Phone number: 22590565
Professional competence areas:
- Faith Education in Church of Norway
- Religious Education
Responsible for the following subjects:
- Confirmation and Play as Practical Theology
Subject code: PED1640 - Children and Youth in Christian Education and Learning
Subject code: PED2015 - The Church as a Learning Community
Subject code: PED5520 - The Catechist in the Church with Practical Training
Subject code: PED5550
I am educated both as a school teacher and a catechist in the Church of Norway. I have several years of work experience both as a primary school teacher and as a catechist in a congregation in the Church of Norway.
I am currently writing a doctoral thesis in the field of practical theology (church education/ catechetics). My PhD- dissertation has its working title as follows:
"The catechist's professional understanding and professional practice. A qualitative study of catechists' professional work in the Church of Norway"
I mainly teach catechists and parish pedagogy students in practical pedagogical and practical theological disciplines, such as religious pedagogy/ parish pedagogy/ faith education, didactics and learning theory.
Selected publications
- Jørgensen, C. (2022). "Hva slags forhold kan man egentlig ha til treenigheten når man er 15 år, da?" : treenighetsteologiens relevans for konfirmasjonsundervisning, Prismet, s. 297 - 309. ISSN: 0032-8847
Education and practice
2022 - d.d.
Stipendiat i kirkelig undervisning, MF
2018 - 2021
Erfaringsbasert master i kirkelig undervisning (kateketutdanning)
2012 - 2022
Menighetspedagog og kateket i Sem menighet
2009 - 2018
Videreutdanning i leseopplæring og div. teologiske grunnemner, deltidsstudier
2004 - 2012
Adjunkt med opprykk, Karlsrud skole i Oslo
2002 - 2003
Praktisk- pedagogisk utdanning (PPU) med fagdidaktikk i norsk som andrespråk og samfunnskunnskap
1997 - 2001
Cand.mag fra UiO (med fagene sosialantropologi, psykologi, norsk som andrespråk og lingvistikk)