Merit Scheme for Pedagogical Competence at MF
The status of merited teacher at MF must be held high, and is awarded to employees who can document particular efforts and good results in their educational development work. We open applications for merited teachers every four years.

Kjetil Fretheim
In a letter from the Ministry of Higher Education 23 June 2017 on the White Paper no 16 (2016-2017) Quality Culture in Higher Education, all institutions in the University/Specialized University sector are required to establish a locally adapted system of merit in order to stimulate an increased effort in teaching and to reward substantial development work.
The merit scheme at MF takes as its point of departure the recognised high level of pedagogical competence among the employees. The status as a merited teacher is awarded to employees who can document a particular achievement and dedicated work on educational quality.
Who can apply?
All academic staff who have been permanently employed at MF for at least two years, have teaching duties in their position and have a documented basic competence in university or college pedagogical education, can apply for status as a merited teacher.
Criteria for gaining a status as Merited Teacher
The application must document systematic and targeted work with teaching quality at a level that is significantly higher than expected basic pedagogical competence for higher education.
Criteria for awarding the position of “merited teacher” are based on four main criteria derived from the Scholarship for Teaching and Learning (SoTL): 1) Focus on student learning, 2)
Development over time, 3) A research approach, and 4) Collegial attitude and practice.
Applicants must meet all four SoTL criteria to be considered for appointment as a merited teacher. In the assessment for merited teacher status, pedagogical development work involving student-active and/or digital forms of learning could strengthen the application.
1. Inquiry focused on student learning:
The main aim of teaching is the clear connection between teaching practice and the students actually learning what is the aim of the subject/programme/education.
You can, for example, document this by showing how you prepare both the overall plan for the teaching, and the practical implementation with the view that it should contribute to learning.
Here it will be natural to show development over time, for example by critically reflecting on feedback from both colleagues and students, as well as exam results.
Emphasis is also placed here on a special effort to renew and/or develop the teaching within the applicant's subject area/at MF.
2. Development over time:
Here, the emphasis is on a clear and distinct development of one's own practice over time. This can be done, for example, by a critical reflection on what actions and changes have been made based on new insights into one's own subject, into pedagogy, and changes in the student body.
3. A research approach:
This involves a critical reflection on one's own practice by asking questions such as:
- How does my own practice and the institution's practice work in accordance with the aim of higher education?
- What does research say about teaching in higher education,
and in what way should I/we best implement this in our work?
Here you can also show how the pedagogical development work can be transferred to teaching in other fields, both at MF and at related institutions.
4. Collegial attitude and practice:
This is about teaching and quality in teaching being a common concern. How should we as teachers best work together to achieve our goals? How do we share experiences and ideas for good teaching practice? How can I contribute to a good collaboration, how can I learn from others and contribute to others learning from me? How can we work together in the teaching itself to strengthen the learning outcome for the
Here, it is also emphasized that the pedagogical development work is presented in a relevant professional forum, such as a university pedagogical day, and/or in a professional publication.
The Application
The application must document basic pedagogical competence for higher education and contain a self-reflection of your own systematic and targeted work according to the SoTL criteria.
Additionally, you must include a pedagogical portfolio. The portfolio must contain an overview of teaching activities (including supervision), work on developing teaching quality
at MF, and any received awards and distinctions.
To be a merited teacher at MF
Merited teachers are given a special role as promoters of educational development and a culture of sharing within the academic staff. The merit scheme is a supplement to the
professor and ass. professor track, and does not trigger a new position category. Merited teachers are awarded a salary supplement of NOK 20,000 and a lump sum (NOK 20,000) as
operating funds for further university pedagogical development.
Merited teachers are profiled on, in social media and other relevant means of communication where the quality of teaching at MF is thematized.
The Application Process
MF opens for applications every fourth year. The applications are processed by a committee set up by the rector, consisting of two external representatives, one academic employee and a
secretary. Merited teachers are formally appointed by the rector.
The application must not exceed 3 A4 pages, educational folder, attachments and other documentation not included.