Andreas Holmedahl Hvidsten
Associate Professor
- Political Science
- Office: 323
- Phone number: 22590646
Professional competence areas:
- history of ideas
- international relations
- political philosophy
- political science
Responsible for the following subjects:
- Examen Facultatum for Social Sciences
Subject code: EX1025 - International Politics
Subject code: SAM1050 - Big Questions in International Politics
Subject code: SAM2050 - Introduction to Peace and Conflict Studies
Subject code: SAM1090
I have a PhD in political science from the University of Oslo, and I work in the intersection of political philosophy and the history of ideas. I am particularly interested in ideas of political legitimacy: how they evolve historically, how they shape political institutions and practices, and how they may be fruitfully compared and contrasted in the interest of political dialogue. My main project focuses on religious aspects of ideas of legitimacy in theories of international politics.
Latest academic publications
- Torjussen, L. P. S. & Hvidsten, A. H. (2022). Den krunglete vegen: Arven etter Hans Skjervheim, Arven etter Skjervheim,, Fagbokforlaget, ISBN: 9788245038033
- Torjussen, L. P. S. & Hvidsten, A. H. (2022). Arven etter Skjervheim, Fagbokforlaget, ISBN: 9788245038033
- Hvidsten, A. H. (2022). Samfunnsvitenskap og demokratisk dialog : om "Deltakar og tilskodar" (1957), Arven etter Skjervheim,, s. 35 - 53. Fagbokforlaget, ISBN: 9788245038033
- Hvidsten, A. H. (2021). For enden er nær : Apokalypse og klimapopulisme , Populisme og kristendom ,, s. 118 - 130. Cappelen Damm Akademisk, ISBN: 9788202720315
- Hvidsten, A. H. (2020). #WhateverItTakes: Klimapopulisme og demokratiet ved verdens undergang, Agora, s. 207 - 228. Agora, ISSN: 0800-7136
- Hvidsten, A. H. (2019). Karl Mannheim and the liberal telos of realism, International Relations, s. 1 - 19. International Relations, ISSN: 0047-1178
- Hvidsten, A. H. (2019). Theorizing International Relations: A Dialectical Approach, Lexington Books, ISBN: 9781498588614
- Hvidsten, A. H. (2019). Et populistisk manifest , Agora, s. 237 - 248. Agora, ISSN: 0800-7136
- Hvidsten, A. H. & Skarstad, K. (2018). The challenge of human rights for peace research, International Theory, s. 98 - 121. International Theory, ISSN: 1752-9719
- Hvidsten, A. H. (2018). Arguing with the enemy: A dialectical approach to justifying political liberalism, Philosophy & Social Criticism, s. 822 - 842. Philosophy & Social Criticism, ISSN: 0191-4537
- Hvidsten, A. H. (2016). Fløgstad og filosofien, Nytt Norsk Tidsskrift (NNT), Nytt Norsk Tidsskrift (NNT), ISSN: 0800-336X
- Hvidsten, A. H. & Hovi, J. (2015). Why no twin-track Europe? Unity, discontent, and differentiation in European integration, European Union Politics, s. 3 - 22. European Union Politics, ISSN: 1465-1165
- Hvidsten, A. H. (2014). Hvorfor tro på formelle modeller? Om forholdet mellom teoretisk modellering og empirisk analyse, Norsk statsvitenskapelig tidsskrift, s. 181 - 204. Norsk statsvitenskapelig tidsskrift, ISSN: 0801-1745