Hilde Marie Øgreid Movafagh
Associate Professor
- Systematic Theology
Head of Methodist Theological Seminary. Health and Safety representative.
- Hilde.M.Movafagh@mf.no
- Office: 480
- Phone number: 22590656
Responsible for the following subjects:
- The Faith and Tradition of the Christian Church
Subject code: K1035 - Praktisk teologi for lokalpredikanter i Metodistkirken
Subject code: TEOL1570 - Values-Based Leadership in the Methodist Church
Subject code: TEOL1571 - The Doctrine and Discipline of the Methodist Church
Subject code: TEOL2570 - The History and Theology of Methodism
Subject code: TEOL2770 - The History and Theology of Methodism II
Subject code: TEOL2771 - Methodist Spirituality with Roots in the Eastern Church
Subject code: TEOL2772 - Spirit, Incarnation, and Salvation
Subject code: TEOL5412 - Holiness in Christian Tradition
Subject code: TEOL5475 - Christian Spirituality in Dialogue with Contemporary Trends
Subject code: TEOL5570 - The History and Theology of Methodism I
Subject code: TEOL5770 - Practical Theology for Local Pastors in the Methodist Church
Subject code: TEOL1572 - Bachelor's Thesis
Subject code: BAO2801
Education and practice
Rektor, Metodistkirkens teologiske seminar, Oslo
Stipendiat i systematisk teologi, MF
Master i kristendom, MF
Pastor i Metodistkirken, Bjølsen menighet, 100%
Leder Metodistkirkens Ungdomsforbund, 25%
Journalist i Brobyggeren, 25%
Pastor i Metodistkirken, Bodø menighet, 75%
Cand.mag med kristendom, gresk og religionsvitenskap, UiB
Metodistkirkens Studiesenter, 3-årig pastorutdanning, Bergen
Voluntary position
2017 - d.d.
Leder, Barne- og Ungdomsrådet, Metodistkirken på Bjølsen
Convener for revision of the Social Principles of the United Methodist Church
2016 - d.d.
Medlem i CEC Thematic Reference Group on Ecclesiology
2016 - d.d.
Medlem i teologisk nemnd, Den norske kirke
2013 - d.d.
Leder for Committee of Continued Pastoral Education, UMC Northern Europe and Eurasia
2013 - d.d.
Norsk representant i Central Conferance Council, The United Methodist Church in Northern Europe and Eurasia
2009 - 2010
Leder for Metodistkirkens Sommerfest
2009 - d.d.
Medlem i Norsk Teologisk Samtaleforum
Prosjektmedarbeider for konferansen Celebrate, Bratislava, Slovakia
Projektmedarbeider for konferansen Living Faith Seeking Justice, Texas
2005 - 2013
Pastoralt medlem i Metodistkirkens hovedstyre
2000 - 2004
Leder, Metodistkirkens Ungdomsforbund