A - Z Student Democracy
Here you will find information about the Student Democracy at MF.
Academic Affairs Committee
Makes overall decisions regarding studies at MF. It also coordinates the work going on in the Studies Department Council/Academic Board.
Advisory Board for the Departments
This group decides matters related to disciplines and study programs.
The Board
The highest body at MF.
The Control Committee
Has the supreme authority for interpretation of rules in general assemblies, and makes sure that the general assembly, elections, and the Student Council's work are done correctly.
Course Representative
Selected among students for each subject, and is an intermediary between the students of the respective subject, the lecturer, and the Student Council.
Each semester an election is held to choose the representatives of the Student Council. The students that pay the semester fee at MF have the right to participate in this election.
General Assembly
The highest governing body representing the students at MF. In this assembly, all students at MF may speak, give their opinion and proposals. This assembly also deals with matters such as budget, annual report, planning of the respective year, and accounting, as well as the nomination of representatives to student bodies, and other issues that concern students at MF.
The Help Fund
NOK 40,- (voluntary) of semester fee goes to MF's student help fund. The General Assembly elects a new project every Spring in order to apply this fund.
Learning Environment Committee
Body responsible for everything related to the study environment at MF.
The National Union of Students in Norway (NSO)
Works on behalf of the student's interests before politicians and other relevant bodies.
Solidarity and development organization that works with educational assistance, information, and political advocacy. NOK 10,- (voluntary) of the semester fee goes to this organization.
The Student Welfare Organisation of Oslo and Akershus, which focuses on students' welfare needs on campus and in region of Oslo and Akershus.
The Student Council
The highest governing body working on a daily basis on behalf of the students at MF and is chosen in the General Assembly. It consists of eight different positions, which are filled from students at MF. Every semester half of the members of Student Council are chosen by the students at MF.
Welfare Council
A student council founded in 2004, which consists of student representatives from the different institutions of higher education that are members of the Foundation for Student Life in Oslo and Akershus (SiO).