Exam information to teachers
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Contact Information
Åsulv Wergeland Eikaas
22 59 06 16
Torunn Johansen
22 59 06 37
Log in to WISEflow (examination system):

Examination information
Regulations, practical information, and user guides for the exam platform WISEflow can be found on the shared page for internal and external examiners.
At the beginning of the assessment period, we will send an email with detailed information about the assessment scheme and course-specific assessment criteria.
Course-specific assessment criteria are criteria that, in addition to the general assessment guidelines and other regulations, facilitate equal treatment of exam responses. Such criteria are often used for subjects with essay or portfolio assessment as exam form and may, for example, be response templates that the students have been instructed to use.
If your course has subject-specific assessment criteria, you must report this to the examination office c/o Åsulv W. Eikaas. These criteria will be forwarded to the external examiner and appeal examiners.
Your Assessment Responsibility
You can find your assessment responsibility on the intranet during February/September. Click on the module *Din undervisning* and then on the tab *Sensuransvar* (Norwegian only)
In the overview, you can see which course you are examiner on, how many responses we expect, and the name of your co-examiner.
Assessment of master's theses is usually distributed in the latter half of April/October, as soon as we have a satisfactory overview of who is planning to submit. Information about master's theses assessment is not posted on the intranet but is sent via email.
You will be notified be e-mail if you are given appeal assessment once the appeal exists.
The Director of Studies determines the assessment responsibility based on the exam office's proposal. Input on assessment distribution and suggestions for external examiners can be sent to Åsulv early in the semester.
Time allocated for assessment
Time allocated for assessment is determined by § 6.2 of the special agreement ("Særavtalen"). You can find the special agreement on the intranet along with many other documents in this overview.
For example, 45 minutes per response are allocated for a three-day take-home exam, and 6 hours for a written in-person exam, plus 10% for exam administrative work (assessment meetings, etc.).
Study Requirements
The course coordinator manages study requirements and determines, among other things, deadlines for study requirement submissions. The study advisor is your contact person in the study administration.
If you are to assess study requirements, it will be stated in the module "Din undervisning" on the intranet, in the tab "your teaching plan."
The results for study requirements (passed/not passed) should normally be completed in early May/November. The study advisor will communicate a specific date via email. It is possible to obtain an extended deadline if circumstances permit. To "Your Teaching".
The results for study requirements (pass/fail) must be finalized and sent to the administration two weeks before the first exam date in the course.
Students who have passed study requirements in previous semesters, but have not passed the subject as a whole, must formally apply to the course coordinator to have the approval count also for the current semester. The course coordinator must inform the academic advisor if formerly passed course requirements are approved.
Regarding suspicion of Plagiarism on Course Requirements
Course requirements are subject to source use rules. It is a serious matter if plagiarism is detected. For study requirements at the undergraduate level, students can be considered to be in training for source use to a greater extent.
In the case of a one-time occurrence, the submission should be assessed as "not passed," and the student should receive written feedback and/or be invited to a meeting with the course coordinator. The students concerned may be given the opportunity to submit at the second submission deadline if such a deadline is already planned.
If a submission has particularly extensive or serious breaches of source use rules, please inform the administration so that we can follow up on recurring rule violations by individual students. This message can be sent to sensor@mf.no (Åsulv is the contact person).
The user guide below is based on WISEflow, but most of it is similar in Canvas. Click on the percentage to access the report.
Exam Dates
The exam dates are available in the course description (from December 15th for the spring semester and June 15th for the fall semester). The examination office sets the exam dates. You can provide input on the dates in advance.
Assessment Forms and Word Count in Responses
Assessment forms are determined by the department council based on a new course proposal from the subject expert. If you are a subject coordinator and want to change the assessment form, you can submit a revision proposal to the department council within a given deadline.
Possible exam forms are defined in the Supplementary Regulations for exams § 2.
Word Count in Responses
There is also a Study Committee decision (case 4/20) on the length of some exam forms. The scope of responses within a 10-credit course is:
- 8-hour take-home exam: 1200-2500 words
- 3-day take-home exam: 2500-3500 words
- 1-week take-home exam: 3500-4500 words
- Individual written assignment, bachelor level: 2500-3500 words
- Individual written assignment, master level: 3500-4500 words
The word count does not include the cover page, footnotes, or bibliography.
The word range replaces the previous rule of +/- 10% of a given word count. The length of study requirement submissions should also be provided in word ranges.
The avdelingråd have the freedom to adjust the word count from the Study Committee's decision if the student activities in the course warrant it. Such an adjustment should normally involve a reduction in the number of words.
Preparing Exam Questions
Responsibility for writing the exam questions will be communicated via email in February/September. In the email, you will receive a template to be used to prepare the questions. Usually, the course coordinator is responsible, but in some cases, it may be other teachers in the course.
For written school exams, the allowed aids should be specified in the exam question proposal. The allowed aids are already determined, and this information is available under "final assessment" in the course description. A course expert should also be specified to go on a "consolation round" or clarification round during the written school exam. This mainly involves answering questions about how the task should be interpreted. Usually, the person who set the task goes on the consolation round, but it is a good idea to check that you are actually available on the exam day (exam date in the course description).
Questions should be anchored in the course's learning outcome. Before the proposal is submitted, a collegue (for example, another teacher in the course) should be consulted.
After the exam question proposals have been submitted, they are reviewed by an exam committee. The exam committee's mandate is to ensure the quality of the exam question proposals submitted by the question setters and to make any necessary changes. This quality assurance largely concerns language. It involves detecting writing errors or ambiguities, ensuring the quality of English and Nynorsk versions of the question text, and some standardization of phrasings.
The committee will never make significant changes without consulting the proposal submitter.
The exam committee only deals with question proposals for written school exams and take-home exams. Questions for oral exams, individual written assignments, portfolio assessments, and course requirements are quality-assured by the course teacher themselves.
Previous exam question
Previous exam questions are available in canvas
Exam information to students
Exam information to students is available here
Students will also receive information on e-mail and in canvas.
Masters' theses
Elisabeth is administrative contact for designation of supervising responsibilites on master's thesis.
The exam office handles submission and assessment responsibilit.
Supervision contract and information to students here:
Regulatory framework for censorship and assessment
The most important legal and regulatory framework for censorship and assessment is as follows:
The regulations clarify, for example, how we ensure external evaluation of assessment.
The supplementary regulations address issues not mentioned in the regulations. For example, it defines which assessment methods are approved at MF.