Merethe Skårås
Associate Professor
- Education
- Office: 326
- Phone number: 22590598
Professional competence areas:
- Citizenship education
- Education in emergencies
- International education and development
- Teacher education
Responsible for the following subjects:
- Thesis for Master of Religious Science 60ects
Subject code: AVH5090 - Globalisering og historie
Subject code: SAM2080 - Globalization and History - Teachers Programme
Subject code: SAM2080L - Thesis for Master of Religious
Subject code: AVH5190
My scholarly work focuses on education in emergencies, the relationship between education and citizenship. My work also include the themes eduction and reconciliation, national identity , social cohesion, child soldiers and are mainly located in Sudan and South Sudan. My PhD work focuses on history education in newly independence South Sudan.
Latest academic publications
- Bentrovato, D. & Skårås, M. (2023). Ruptured imaginings amid emerging nationhood: The unsettled narrative of “unity in resistance” in South Sudanese history textbooks, Nations and Nationalism, s. 1041 - 1056. Nations and Nationalism, ISSN: 1354-5078
- Holmarsdottir, H. B. & Baily, S. & Skårås, M. & Ramos, K. & Ege, A. M. & Heggernes, S. L. (2023). Exploring the Power of Internationalization in Teacher Education, Nordic Journal of Comparative and International Education (NJCIE), Nordic Journal of Comparative and International Education (NJCIE), ISSN: 2535-4051
- Skårås, M. & Bentrovato, D. (2022). Authoritarian cosmopolitan citizenship in the new nation of South Sudan: Insights from a secondary school textbook analysis, Citizenship Teaching and Learning, s. 399 - 414. Citizenship Teaching and Learning, ISSN: 1751-1917
- Skårås, M. (2022). No Textbooks, No Peace? Historical Narratives in South Sudan, Teaching Peace and Conflict : The Multiple Roles of School Textbooks in Peacebuilding,, s. 139 - 153. Springer, ISBN: 978-3-031-04676-6
- Skårås, M. (2021). Teaching and learning the most recent history in divided societies emerging from conflict: A review of the literature through the lens of social justice, Journal of Peace Education, s. 282 - 308. Journal of Peace Education, ISSN: 1740-0201
- Skårås, M. & Carsillo, T. & Breidlid, A. (2019). The ethnic/local, the national and the global: Global citizenship education in South Sudan, British Journal of Educational Studies, British Journal of Educational Studies, ISSN: 0007-1005
- Skårås, M. (2019). Constructing a national narrative in civil war: history teaching and national unity in South Sudan, Comparative Education, s. 517 - 535. Comparative Education, ISSN: 0305-0068
- Skårås, M. (2018). Focused ethnographic research on teaching and learning in conflict zones: History education in South Sudan, Forum for Development Studies, s. 217 - 238. Forum for Development Studies, ISSN: 0803-9410
- Skårås, M. (2017). Educational and Social Challenges in the Reintegration Process of Former Child Soldiers, The Power of Resistance: Culture, Ideology and Social Reproduction in Global Contexts,, s. 243 - 263. Emerald Group Publishing Limited, ISBN: 978-1-78350-461-9
- Skårås, M. & Breidlid, A. (2016). Teaching the violent past in secondary schools in new independent South Sudan, Education as Change (EAC), s. 98 - 118. Education as Change (EAC), ISSN: 1682-3206
- Androga Said, A. & Breidlid, A. & Skårås, M. (2009). 49. Androga, A. S. ; Breidlid., A. and M. Skårås. (forthcoming 2023). The need to replace Continuing Professional Development (CPD) with Teacher Professional Development (TPD) in the conflict affected South Sudan. In Sayed, Y. ; Pesambili. J. and M. Singh (eds.) Continuing professional teacher development in sub-Saharan Africa: Transforming governance, process, and outcome. Bloomsbury/Bristol University Press. , Analysing networked learning practices in higher education and continuing professional development,, Brill | Sense, ISBN: 9789460910050
Research projects
Education and practice
2019 - d.d.
Førsteamanuensis i pedagogikk, MF
2018 - 2019
Universitetslektor, OsloMet - storbyuniversitetet
2018 - 2019
Lærer, Svendstuen barneskole
Gjesteforsker, OpenGATE fellowship -Georg Mason University (GMU), Virginia, USA
Gjesteforsker, Center for International Teacher education (CITE), Cape Penisula University of Technology (CPUT),
2013 - 2019
PhD, Utdanningsvitenskap for lærerutdanning
2007 - 2009
Master i flerkulturell og internasjonal utdanning, Høgskolen i Oslo
2004 - 2014
Lærer, Huseby barneskole
2003 - 2004
Musikk, Concordia College, MN, USA
2000 - 2004
Almennlærerutdanning, Hamar lærerhøgskole
Voluntary position
2016 - 2018
Web koordinator, CANDE, CIES
2015 - 2016
Medlem av Stipendiatforum, Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus
2014 - 2015
Stipendiatcoordinator, Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus