The library wants to help you as a student succeed in your studies.
Did you know that we offer many comfortable and convenient study spaces? You can also get help with assignments, thesis writing, research and publishing.
Make use of the library and all the services we can offer.
How to borrow books?
If you are a new student at MF, you must first pay your tuition fee/semester fee in order to borrow books. Once paid, you can download your student ID mobile app, which can be used as a library card, or you can use your student card.
If you are an employee, a student at another place of study or just want access to the library's collection, you must contact the desk during opening hours to register as a borrower. Everyone over the age of 16 is entitled to borrow. Here you will find the library's borrowing rules.
Search for books
Use Oria to search the library's collection. When you search in Oria, you will get information about which shelves the physical books are located in, and access to our electronic resources such as academic articles, journals, master's theses and doctorates.
For access to our e-resources from home, click the link “External access” next to the individual resources or log on to Oria. (If you're experiencing problems, try logging in to this address: https://proxy.via.mf.no/login)
You can easily order borrowed material in Oria. You will then be notified by email and SMS as soon as the desired material is available and can be picked up at the library.
If the item you want to borrow is available on the shelf in the library, we ask that you find it yourself and bring it to the library desk. If you need help with this, we are of course available at the desk - just ask!
Syllabus and specialised literature
We have a limited number of syllabus books for lending in the library. You can find your syllabus lists in Canvas, or you can look them up in the Leganto resource list management system by searching by course code.

Reading areas
In the library you will find a number of reading carrels and other workplaces that you can use, both if you are affiliated with MF and if you are an external user.
Printing and copying
In the library we have several printers that you can use for printing, copying and scanning. The printers are managed by the IT department. How to get started with printing.
Help with citing and referencing
Source criticism and critical reading are essential when writing an academic text. You are responsible for all use of sources in your text.
Two useful online resources for you as a student are Search and Write and The Citation Compass.
The Writing Centre in the library can also help you with your writing.
Get in touch
You can find more information about the library and our services on the library's website.
We also recommend that you familiarise yourself with the library's canvas room.
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