Academic Staff
Teacher Education
Social Sciences
Religious Studies
Silje Lyngar

Einarsen, Silje Lyngar
Associate Professor
History of Religions and Sanskrit
Academic-administrative Leader Classical/Oriental Languages
History of Religions and Sanskrit
Academic-administrative Leader Classical/Oriental Languages
Fridtjof Willem

Leemhuis, Fridtjof Willem
Doctoral Research Fellow
Antiquity and Early Christian Studies
Antiquity and Early Christian Studies
Psychology of Religion and Existential Psychology
Systematic Theology

Graff-Kallevåg, Kristin
Associate Professor
Systematic Theology and Religious Education
Chair, Department of Theology and Ministry
Systematic Theology and Religious Education
Chair, Department of Theology and Ministry
Hilde Marie Øgreid

Movafagh, Hilde Marie Øgreid
Associate Professor
Systematic Theology
Head of Methodist Theological Seminary. Health and Safety representative.
Systematic Theology
Head of Methodist Theological Seminary. Health and Safety representative.
Practical Theology
Church History
John Wayne

Kaufman, John Wayne
Associate Professor
Early Christian Studies and the History of Theology
head of section KH
Early Christian Studies and the History of Theology
head of section KH
Old Testament / Hebrew Bible
New Testament
Glenn Øystein

Wehus, Glenn Øystein
Associate Professor
New Testament, Greek and Classics
head of section NT
New Testament, Greek and Classics
head of section NT